24. Seeing Red

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It was race day and Seb was woken by the sound of Emily throwing up in the toilet. He jumped out of bed and went into the bathroom. He knelt down besides her and began rubbing her back.

"And so it begins, " she laughed weakly.

"It's just junior making her presence known," Seb said.

"Oh it's a she now? Well I think it's a boy. Only a man could put me through this."

"Definitely a girl. I'm destined to be surrounded by girls."

The colour drained from Emily's face and she vomited once again.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Emily finished being sick. Seb helped her up from the floor. He kissed her head.

"Why don't you have a shower sweetheart? Might perk you up a bit." She agreed and Seb went back through to the bedroom and sorted out her clean team uniform for her.

Ten minutes later she came out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around her.

"How are you feeling now babe?"

"I feel fine now thanks."

"That's good." He reached for her.
"Fine enough to perhaps have a little bit of fun?"

"Definitely," she said, letting the towel drop.

Emily groaned as she saw the motionless car at the side of the track. Seb had retired from the lead 5 laps from the end with gearbox failure. He was going to be in a foul mood. Lance had been promoted into third as a result of Seb's retirement.

The medical car pulled up in pitlane, returning the very pissed off German. He got out of the car, handing his HANS and helmet to Antti who was waiting for him. He went to go into the garage but then changed his mind. He checked that there were no cars coming and he jogged across the pitlane. He crept up behind Emily and dropped a kiss on her cheek.

"My God Seb, you frightened the life out of me, " she exclaimed.

He gave a wry smile.

"I had to. You're the only thing that can cheer me up right now."

"I'm so sorry baby. This was your race. I'll be with you as soon as I can."

"I'm gonna go do the media shit, get it out of the way. Then I'm gonna go to my room. I'll see you in debrief." He kissed her again, then crossed back over pitlane and into the garage.

Emily left debrief and headed back out to the paddock. Seb had hung back talking to Joe and Otmar. She looked up and down seeing if she could spot Kara or Joel but they were nowhere to be seen. They'd probably already headed back to the hotel.

She walked down the bottom end of the paddock to see if they were there as that's where they'd taken to hanging out this weekend in their free time. Nope. Nowhere. She turned to head back to Aston Martin when suddenly someone grabbed her from behind, covering her mouth with their hand.

They bundled her into the nearby garage. She fought to get free but whoever it was was a lot stronger than she was.

"Relax Emily, it's just me," said Chris. Emily began to struggle even more.

"I'm going to take my hand off of your mouth now. Stay quiet and I won't hurt you. Understand?"

She nodded. He removed his hand.

"Good girl."

"What do you want Chris?"

"The same thing I've always wanted. You."

"That will never happen. I'm marrying Seb. I love Seb."

"Emily, we have unfinished business."

"Any business we had ended when I found out you were married, and when you didn't give a toss about our son dying."

"Emily, you're making me angry. You don't want to do that."

Emily tried to get away from him once again. He pushed her against the wall and crushed his mouth onto hers.

She bit his lip.

"You little bitch," he spat, slapping her hard around the face.

All of a sudden someone yanked Chris off of her and threw him to the floor.

"Don't you fucking touch her you bastard! Come on sweetheart. Let's get you to Seb." She fell into Scotts's arms sobbing.

He lead her out of the Brooke garage, leaving Chris sat on the floor, dabbing at his bleeding lip.


Seb was stood talking to Antti outside of the motorhome when he heard his name being called. He saw Esteban Ocon running down the paddock towards him.

"Seb, quick. It's Emily." Seb dropped his bag and sprinted after Esteban, worried sick. Was Emily OK? He found her sat on a bench, sobbing. Scott McDevitt had his arms around her.

"Emily," he gasped, kneeling in front of her. "McDevitt, what happened?"

Scott took his arm from around Emily, allowing Seb to sit next to her.

"Chris Armitage. He had her trapped in the Brooke garage. He was trying it on with her. He was forcing a kiss on her. I walked in just as she'd bit him and he hit her. I pulled him off. I wanted to smack the shit out of him but I had to get her out of there.

Seb's face twisted in anger.

"Scott, can you look after her please?"

"Seb, where are you going?" Emily sobbed as he stormed off.

"I'm going to fucking kill him."

"Scott, please we have to stop him," Emily begged, jumping up to chase after Seb. Scott pushed her back down.

"You stay there. Esteban can you stay with her?" He took off after Seb.


Seb stormed into the Brooke Garage. He found Chris stood inside.

"I was expecting a visit from you Vettel," he sneered.

Seb just ran at him and threw a punch, knocking him to the floor.

"I warned you before what would happen if you ever laid a finger on her."

Chris dragged himself upright.

"You're welcome to her, she's nothing but a little whore anyway. One that can't even carry a baby properly."

"You evil piece of shit." Seb grabbed him by his shirt and slammed him up against the wall.

"McDevitt, help me," Chris said as he saw his driver run into the garage. "I'm your team principal."

"You're also finished Armitage. You're not going to be team principal once I tell Franklin what you did to Seb's fiancee."

"She asked for it. She's a whore. She was begging me to fuck her."

Seb brought his knee up into Chris's stomach.

"McDevitt, I demand you help me!"

Seb turned his head and looked at Scott. Scott nodded at him and turned and walked out of the garage.


Five minutes later Seb left the garage.

He returned to Emily who was sat with Scott on the bench. He sat next to her and held her tight.

"He won't be bothering you again."

"I was with you the whole time. You didn't touch him," Scott said. "He won't say anything anyway. If he does I will say exactly what I saw him do to Emily. I'm going to call Franklin Brooke. Armitage is finished. I promise you that Emily. He's done."

"Thank you Scott," Seb said, holding his hand out. Scott shook it.

"No problem Seb, my pleasure."

Scott sauntered off down the paddock whistling as he went. All's well that ends well he thought to himself. Bye bye Chris.

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