1. Haunted

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Antti slipped back into the sim room. Seb had finished and was stood talking to his engineer, Joe.

He didn't know whether he should mention that Emily was here. He didn't know how Seb would react.

Despite Seb insisting that he was completely over Emily and had never had any real feelings for her Antti knew that Seb was lying to himself.

He'd tried talking to him, tried getting him to open up, but he'd been banned from mentioning her name. Another thing that pointed to Seb not being over her in the slightest.

He waited at the side of the room whilst Seb finished off his conversation with Joe.

Finally Seb joined him.

"OK, let's go. Can't wait till I find out what torture you've planned for me this year," Seb said, sarcastically.

"Oh you'll love it,"Antti joked.

They headed out and down the corridor towards the canteen.

"Boss, there's something you need to know..."

"What Antti?" Seb asked.

"Emily, she's..."

"Antti, what did I say? I don't want to hear her name," Seb snapped.

He pushed open the double doors to the canteen. They were halfway across when he heard laughing and then a big shout. He glanced at the source of the noise.

Harry and Joel. He should have guessed. Then he saw her. His Emily. No, not his anymore.

He stopped in his tracks as their eyes met. Her hair was different, it was red, but she looked as beautiful as ever. He felt a smile appearing on his face.

No Sebastian, he told himself. Don't get pulled back in by her. She will only hurt you again.

He tore his gaze away and carried on walking until he was out of the canteen.

"I tried to tell you," said Antti, chasing after him.

"Have you spoken to her?"

"Not really, just said hello." Seb stopped and leant on the wall.

"How the fuck am I going to work alongside her when she looks like that?"

Antti tried to stop the grin from spreading over his face.

"Thought you were over her."

"I am, I don't have feelings for her. But come on Antti, who wouldn't want to fuck that?"

Antti was surprised. It wasn't like Seb to talk like this, to refer to a woman as 'that'.

"Seb mate, I think you do still love her."

"Antti, shut up. I do not. Love is for fools. I should have learnt that with Carla. I will not fall into that trap again. I nearly did. I avoided it. I'm done with her."

"But Emily, she's different, she's not Carla."

"Antti, I said shut up. I can always look for another trainer," Seb snarled, storming off.

Antti smiled. Seb was riled up. He loved Emily. Antti would bet his life on it.


Seb lay on his hotel bed, staring at the ceiling. He could not get her out of his head. Her face as he made her come. Her face as he had walked out on her. She haunted him. He did not love her, he would not allow himself to love her anymore.

She'd walked out on him, left him frantically worried about her. She hadn't given a shit about how he'd felt. She was selfish, she was just like Carla. He was better off alone. If he wanted sex there were plenty of women around the paddock who would be more than happy to give it him.

He turned on his side, shut his eyes and tried to sleep. Eventually he succeeded, but if he thought he was going to escape her in his dreams, he had another think coming. She was waiting for him there.

She sat on a blanket in the middle of a meadow. She only wore a black lace bra and thong. Her dark red hair hung loose, brushing her shoulders. Seb felt his dick harden with desire.

She patted the blanket next her. He stripped off his t-shirt and sat down next to her. He started kissing her, nibbling on her bottom lip.

Then he felt her hand slip inside his shorts and take hold of him, sliding his cock up and down in her hand. He groaned and lowered his head to her cleavage, covering the top of her breasts with kisses.

He reached behind her and unclipped her bra. Her breasts spilled out and he lowered his head, tugging on a nipple with his teeth. He had never wanted a woman so much as he wanted her.

Pushing her down onto her back, he eased his shorts down so his erection sprang out.

She wriggled out of her thong and opened her legs for him. He slid inside her in one smooth movement, groaning in ecstasy. He pinned her wrists either side of her head and began ramming his cock in hard and fast.

"Seb," she cried out, her body writhing underneath him.

"Emily, I love you," he called out as he exploded inside her.

He collapsed on top of her, sobbing into her neck.

"I miss you so much. I was wrong, please forgive me." She laughed. He raised his head and looked at her.

She had a cruel sneer on her face.

"You really think I ever loved you?"she spat. "I was glad when you left me. I'm free to fuck Charles now."

"Emily, please no. I'm sorry. Take me back. I'm begging you!"

"Never," she said, pushing him off of her. She stood up and jogged away across the meadow to where Charles was waiting for her.

"Emily!" he screamed.


Seb shot up in bed. He was shaking and he felt the tears on his cheeks. He groaned when he realised he'd woken up with a massive hard on. He cursed. Why wouldn't she just get out of his head? He lay there waiting for his erection to go down. He was adamant that he was not going to jerk off over her.

Ten minutes later and he had to admit defeat and headed off to the bathroom.

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