Chapter Two: How They Met

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Chapter 2: How They Met


They had met in a coffee shop.

Devanne's dad, Caleb, worked there as a busser/dishboy, her mom, Lindsey, was there at a friend's birthday party having coffee.

When she realized that her clock only had a few seconds she ran eagerly around looking at her friends' clocks to see if theirs were as close to running out as hers was.

They weren't, she just made everyone freak out and ruined the good time that they were having.

So finally her friend's parents saw everyone freaking out and the commotion, assessed the situation, then made everyone calm down. Her friend's mom had called Lindsey's parents and they rushed over immediately.

Devanne's dad was a few tables over, cleaning it off to bring the used plates and mugs to the kitchen to be washed.

He wasn't paying any attention to what was going on, he was totally oblivious.

Her mother had said many times before that, "He was working like he was supposed to, not paying attention because he had his headphones in as well, and he couldn't do anything other than to do his job because his boss would get onto him otherwise."

He didn't bother looking at his clock because he knew he wasn't going to find anyone any time soon. Well, he was wrong.

So when her mother's clock hit eleven seconds, she did what she was supposed to and how her friend's parents had told her; call out "0 days 0 hours 0 minutes, and 10, 9, 8, 7, 6," and when you count down from 10 then everyone is supposed to stop everything that they're doing and set down for only the person reading their numbers off of their clock that's standing and speaking.

Her mother said that she was in tears as she read out her numbers because she was so scared and didn't know what was going to happen.

She had only been told briefly of what it was and what was supposed to happen. So as she started to call out her numbers and count down, everyone took a seat and looked around for the next person to stand up and reveal themselves as her Soulmate as they were supposed to and often did, but only no one stood.

When she finally got done calling it all out, there was only one person standing, but he wasn't paying attention.

Devanne's dad said that, his boss then came up behind him and whipped him in the back of the head of with a wet towel and yanked his headphones out, saying, "You missed it." "Missed what?", he said to his boss, and he motioned over to the crying little girl. "She either doesn't have a Soulmate or she can't find it. She called out her numbers but no one showed," his boss said.

What many people forget is that, everyone has a Soulmate because two people are specifically chosen that are highly compatible with each other, and scientifically selected to be together, so that there is someone for everyone. If they aren't in the exact place or near you at the same time yours or their clock runs out, it will start buzzing and then you go out, frantically searching for your significant other to make the annoying buzzing stop, as well as the force of the bracelets buzzing at the same time will draw you to each other, like a magnet, to help you find them. So you're eventually going to find your Soulmate no matter what, and no one will go without one. No one, but everyone has forgotten that over the years. Even if they're not romantic soulmates.

As he stared at the little girl crying her eyes out, he admired her, but felt sorry for her at the same time.

That is, until he felt this excruciating pain on his wrist from his clock. He ripped off the sweat band he had covering it, and saw his clock flashing the empty blank slots where numbers once were. "0000d 00h 00m 00s".

Which meant only one thing.

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