Chapter Four: Some Aren't As Lucky

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Chapter 4: Some Aren't as Lucky

After you find your Soulmate, you're supposed to go to the head of the community and get your bracelets to fill in the holes where the watches once were; linking you to the other.

After you were bound to your "other", you were off the market no matter what age, but since they were so young, they waited till they got old enough, married, and started their own family.

Devanne thought it was the most adorable story she had ever heard, but some people weren't as lucky or as fortunate.

Devanne remembered that because of one Soulmate story she'd heard.

The boys were across the busy road from each other when their clocks were running out. While one was looking around for the other, the other one spotted the boy and started to dart across the road to reach him. When the boy saw the other boy holding up his clock and running across the road, he had gotten hit by a bus that came out of nowhere before he got across the road to reach him.

The little boy dashed to reach the boy that was under the bus, picked up his hand and looked at their clocks side by side.

They had both stopped at 0000d 00h 00m 03s.

It was terribly tragic, and the worst part is that they had yet to know one another.

Even if that was years ago, that doesn't mean anything like that isn't capable of happening again because you can't prevent tragedy.

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