Chapter Thirteen: It's All About Him

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Chapter 13: It's All About Him

1st and 2nd period dragged slowly by, making her glad to leave when the bell finally rung after what felt like hours. Although there was chatter in 2nd that there was a new kid, she would have to wait to see him because she hasn't left this classroom yet.

She asked for a little bit about him and they said that his name might be Jacoby, and that he just moved here from a couple towns over. She asked why, and they said that it's because he lost his first SM and broke his clock before he found the second one, that they had reset his clock twice and the second time, they moved him weeks later and was now under watch so he doesn't mess it up again this time. The girls were also saying he was hot so she kind of wanted to see him and couldn't wait till she did, but then again she really didn't care that much for new kids because they usually hung out and made friends with the bad people before they ever second guessed of trying to befriend the better people. So she didn't bother with trying to get noticed or getting to know him.

So she went back to her work and reading.

Next was 3rd period, dreadful Math.

She slept mostly through note taking then before she knew it, she was on her way to 4th, which was History.

As she walked, minding her own business, she saw him. The only reason that she knew it was him was because she had never seen him before.

He was really tall and looked, as she thought he looked, like a thug.

When people explained that he was under watch so he didn't do anything, she expected him to be in chains or have body guards, but she knew that it was only a figment of her imagination and was only like that in the movies. He did have a big bulky tracking device on his ankle that his pant leg couldn't go over to hide it.

He was really tall, dark headed, side-swept hair, piercing light blue eyes, a regular black t-shirt, light wash blue jeans, and black Vans. He was exactly the "Bad Boy" type her mother explained; the one that got caught. She didn't think that though, he was probably just frustrated since he lost his first SM that he didn't want another so he broke it. She didn't expect he did anything else.

Everyone moved out of his way, but she wasn't going to, she needed to get to class so she walked in front of him while everyone watched her, stunned that she cut in front of the convict. He paused to let her in front of him, and watched her, with a hard and silent stare boring into the back of her head.

When she said the new kids make friends with the bad people, she was wrong about this one because he made friends with no one. He was on his own.

She got to her class and was kind of intimidated when she felt his presence follow her into her next class, but he didn't acknowledge her's, he just sat down the furthest away from her and laid his head down like he didn't want to be here.

She ignored him but secretly wanted him to look at her.

She got out her things and got ready for class to start as people piled in. For some reason she felt his stare on her but whenever she would look, he wasn't looking. Seeming as if he were ignoring her. Or stealing glances her way.

She didn't get much work done that day in Coach Puckett's class.

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