Chapter Ten: It Happens Tomorrow

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Chapter Ten: It Happens Tomorrow

After supper, Devanne went to her room and straightened it up before looking at the time. She then grabbed her utilities and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

She stood in front of the mirror for a while. Devanne was a pretty, young woman. She was 5' 5, about 110, and had long, wavy dirty blonde hair. She had hazel eyes. She had a sweetheart shaped face spotted with few freckles. Her metabolism was high so it left her slim with little curves, but she was happy with her body. She got her height from her mom except for her, face, and feet, getting that and the rest from her dad, including her eyes and attitude. Definitely her attitude. Her sister Gabbi is the same way. It sometimes seems as if her mom had no part into her creation of making.

As she stood there, she couldn't believe it. She would be bounded to someone for the rest of time tomorrow. She couldn't really do much after that—not that she did much to begin with, she would just have to cut out all the pointless stuff in her life that relates to the immature, teen things that she did. It was as if she was getting married—well she basically was—it just wasn't the exact same thing. It was still frightening that there was someone out there in the world almost exactly like her aside from family. Someone she could relate to better than anyone else.

She would have to warn him that she wasn't too experienced in being with someone, but she would at least hope he would be the same so she wouldn't make too much of a fool out of herself.

She honestly didn't know what to expect, how to feel, or how to act about it, she was just nervous and freaking out worse than ever. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep because she would be up all night, tossing and turning, just worrying. Her mother once told her that, "Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but gets you nowhere." This is about the only moment she believed that it was true. It would be like Christmas Eve all over again. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep just like she doesn't on Christmas Eve. Was he smart? Was he attractive? What does he look like? How old is he? That would be bad if he was like graduated or something. It would be kind of weird to her if he was.

There had only been one person in the school that had a SM that was older than her. It had been one of their teachers, but after they were together, they were adorable and it wasn't weird at all because something like that could happen to almost anyone.

She pried her mind away from the many questions she didn't have any answers to and got in the shower.

When she got out, she went straight to her room, and got ready for bed. Then went to sleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Was she prepared to meet her Soulmate tomorrow? Who knew? She'd be faced with it sooner or later, so she'd have to be ready.

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