Chapter Fifteen: On The Hunt

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Chapter 15: On The Hunt

He had excused himself from the room to get his binder that he had forgotten in his locker. When he got there, he realized that there were rudest things he had ever seen on his locker like; emo, loser, gay, "You don't belong here, go back to the hole you crawled out of!!!", and the worst part was, that he hadn't done anything to anyone for them to say those things, but yet they still had said them about him anyway. He didn't think a single school could be so hateful to someone no different than the students and faculty that occupied it, but boy was he wrong! Everyone hates him here, which made him want to go back home even more.

He ripped the notes off in anger and tore them all to pieces, throwing them on the floor and stomping on the bits while cursing to the world that he, oh so hated. No matter how mad he got or how hard he punched, it didn't seem to do any damage or make anything any different than it was before.

His anger then turned to sadness and he leaned his hurting head against his beat up locker. When he was tired of fighting, he rubbed his aching bicep from punching the locker, and stared at the tattoos that peppered it, and thought, I'm strong for a reason!, but then he looked at his sleeve of "art"–as he called it–as it went all the way down to his bracelet then stopping. He looked at the clock that read '0000d 00h 05m 03s' and then his anger resurfaced.

He hated Soulmates, ever since he lost his first one, Austin Trae, in a car wreck on the way to get their bracelets only weeks after their time had ran out, he hadn't wanted to get another one. No one deserved him except for Austin, and Austin couldn't have him so therefor, no one else could either. If he couldn't have his first SM, he didn't want to get another one.

He still hadn't accepted Austin's death because he feels as if it was all his fault. He was the one looking away from the road, but he couldn't help that Austin was so hot, adorably cute, and being childishly funny. It should have been him. Austin hadn't deserved to die.

The last thing they had shared before their worlds turned upside down was a sincere look and a quick but meaningful kiss before Austin looked at the road, his features changing to shock—Jacoby remembers it like it was yesterday—and screaming. Before Jacoby could turn and look... It had already happened.

After the accident, Jacoby needed therapy, and they didn't even let him accept it, grieve, or process it afterwards before they had put him back on the market and had reset his wristband despite his protests and objections. That's why he hates the government now as well.

During weeks after back on the market—still getting over Austin—he thought long and hard about what to do and then he tried to disable the clock. He felt as if it were no use, so he finally just broke it by hitting it repeatedly into the edge of a brick.

Now he's here, with another clock, in another town—don't get him wrong, the moving part was better for him—with his clock on five minutes and three seconds. He didn't want to do this again. So his anger returned and he started to punch the lockers again. He then looked at his clock again, 0000d 00h 03m 23s. He didn't care about it so he hit it on the corner of the lockers until till the glass shattered and the clock stopped.

By now everyone was standing outside in the hall, wondering what all the commotion was about, but he didn't care about that either, so he shoved his ear buds hastily into his ears and walked to the exit of the building while teachers called after him to come back with the students laughing in his face. He pushed them into the wall and into the lockers, out of the way and exited the building, feeling a little bit of the weight lifted off of his shoulders.


Devanne ran frantically around the football field but there was no one there so she ran back to check in the last building where she hadn't checked yet, so she took off running to the other building. She had to find him because he wasn't going to appear in front of her out of nowhere.

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