Chapter Five: Who Could it Be?

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Chapter 5: Who Could it Be?

Your significant other could be possibly anyone: your best friend, your teacher, even someone in your family—as long as they were distant, but usually they were only related by marriage. Even someone you despised, but if they were it then you eventually grew to love each other, and realized they weren't so bad after all. It was rare anyone despised anyone though, just in case.

It didn't matter, it could be anyone.

Anyone with any self-identification is capable of finding someone. That also goes with what a soulmate means to you. If anything in this life was complicated, finding your soulmate, was not one. Any two peoples, any two religions, and any two's existence could come together and intertwine. It was all just beautiful how all of it worked.

There was just an endless amount of possibilities, and no matter what it was, no one was freaked out by it.

It even worked this way for children.

If you were destined to adopt, you dreamt about you and your significant other signing adoption papers for a certain child.

If you were destined to have your own child, you had dreamt about having a baby, and you couldn't lie about them either because your partner would dream of it too.

It all worked in mysterious ways, but that's just how things were, and nobody could change it nor did they disobey the rules that were set by no one in particular.

"Devanne, you need to hurry up so we can leave." Devanne had a bad habit about blocking her mother out more often than she would like to admit but that's how all teenagers were at this point and it was drifting more often now the closer the time before her clock ran out.

"Ok," she said and shoveled down the rest of her cereal.

Her little sister, Gabbi sat in her highchair eating some bananas, all ready to go, just waiting to leave.

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