Chapter 10-The Calm Before the Storm

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It was several days before Harry could get used to the new demigods. They were loud and obnoxious but they were also funny and kind. They could easily lesson the mood when there was tension. Like Percy most of them couldn’t sit still in class and read in ancient Greek.

Grover only wore long jeans and walked with a limp. Thalia the huntress, whatever that meant, was nice enough to the girls but had an odd tendency to glare at the wizard guys. Jason was annoyingly perfect he was good looking, smart but not infuriatingly smart, and was quite charming much to the other boys contempt but he was dating one of the demigods so that helped a bit. Piper, Jason’s girlfriend, was in Harry’s opinion nice and very pretty though her outfits were rather confusing. It was like she was a Tomboy in designer clothes.

Nico who Harry had already met seemed to be the black sheep of the group he didn’t socialize much with anyone other than his friends and seemed to melt into the shadows. Then there was Annabeth who was both beautiful and smart though a bit of a know-it-all. She resembled an American version of Hermione. She was also Percy’s girlfriend.

The arrival of the demigods was weird for everybody and Hermione certainty didn’t help. She took the presence of actual real life myths as a chance to lecture everyone at every waking moment about Greek mythology. She was perplexed at what she called inconsistencies in the demigod’s stories and the original myths.

“That can’t be right,” she said one afternoon in study hall, “Athena was a maiden goddess she swore to never be with a man mortal or otherwise, how can she have kids?”

“Don’t know,” said Ron with a shrug.

“You do know that the stories are really old?” Harry pointed out, “Who knows what’s right,”

Hermione ignored him and continued, “And why is Jason a son of Jupiter whereas Thalia is a daughter of Zeus!”

“What’s so weird about that?” Ginny asked, “Other than the obvious they have gods for fathers,”

“Jupiter is the Roman form of Zeus. In fact the Romans took most of the Greek gods and just changed their names and sometimes their status,”

“So…” Harry said.

“So, their fathers would be the same god but at the same time be completely different,”

Ron looked up at his work and stared at his girlfriend, “Are you talking about a god with multiple personalities?”

“I don’t know, maybe. Ugh, this is all so complicated!”

If you want answers why don’t you just ask them,” advised Harry.

“Yah, I bet the blond, what’s her name… Annabeth! Would be more than welcome to help,” Ginny added.

“Maybe…” Hermione looked down at the textbook on the table in front of her, “This is really amazing you know. They’re only half human but I could never tell that they’re half god,”

“I don’t know they seem to be all too good looking to be human,” Ron said, “Did you know that the brunette, Piper, is only sixteen. The blond, Jason, is the same age yet they both look older and more mature for their age,”

Ginny made a face, “And when you say mature you mean you think Piper is hot,”

Ron blinked, “No, no I mean yes but…” he tried to defend himself, “Harry you tell her, you know what I mean.”

Harry shook his head, “I’m staying out of this,” but it was too late Ginny had already turned to face him.

“Do you think the demigod girls are hot?” she asked.

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