Chapter 15-Waiting

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Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny were sitting in the Gryffindor common room. They and the demigods has conferred late into the night but had decided it was time for bed when Headmistress McGonagall left to send a letter to the Ministry by owl. Percy and Annabeth had left soon after to send an "Iris message" whatever that was. It sounded to Harry like a new muggle way to communicate but he was pretty sure that wasn't it. Despite the fact, he had a lot to discus with his friends, he felt that he was just to tired to dig into things right at that moment. So, Harry said goodnight to his friends and kissed Ginny goodnight before walking into his dorm and blissfully fell asleep.

The next morning...

The crew met in the common room and headed towards the Great Hall together for breakfast. Before the entered the Great Hall however they were stopped by a group of Slytherin's. Nott, Blaise, and Pansey Parkinson stood at the front of the Hall waiting.

"Oh god," muttered Ron, "Some things never change do they,"

"Heard that you guys were out of the dorms last night," said Nott "Trust the Chosen One and his lackeys to be allowed to break school policy. What were off doing now. Is the school going to be overrun by new enemies were you out saving the day? I'd bet that make a great Quibbler article," he sneered.

"We were out because we were talking to Professor McGonagall the Headmistress," explained Harry calmly.

"Headmistress," scoffed Pansey, "Like that toad of a woman is going to stay Headmistress for long."

"Hey," said Hermione stepping forward, "Professor McGonagall is a great woman who has done more for this school than any of us put together"

Nott stepped forward looking like he was going to make a scathing retort probably one with the word 'Mudblood' in it but Ginny stepped to Hermione's side before he could. "Stop this before we start a duel in front of the Great Hall. I thought this stupid house feud would die when the war ended. You're giving Slytherin's a bad name, at least Draco Malfoy grew some stones and did the right thing in the end."

That was, fortunately, the end of it, at least for the moment. The Slytherin's simple sneered at Ginny and headed in for their breakfast. "Nicely done," said Harry taking Ginny's hand and walking with her into the Hall.

"They're right though," said Ron, "Hogwarts can't afford to have another incident"

Ginny looked at her brother, "Oh please, incidents are what define Hogwarts. What would this school be without some yearly excitement?"

"That doesn't mean we need to put the school and the rest of the students in danger," said Harry, "Maybe Annabeth was right. It is too dangerous for the demigods to stay at Hogwarts."

Hermione nodded, "Today it was simply a monster but I've read Greek mythology there are much worse things in their world than simply a Hydra. There's the Chimera, the Empusa, Medusa, the Minotaur and that's not even getting into the more dangerous things from Greek mythology immortal beings like Gods, Titans, Giants..."

Ron cut her off, "She's basically saying we're screwed."

Ginny snorted, "It's not like the wizarding world is a bunch of cotton candy and rainbows we have our own problems and our own ways of dealing with them. Sure, there'd be an adjustment period but perhaps this could still work in our favour."

Harry looked at his friends, "I vote for waiting to see what the ministry and whoever the Demigods are bringing this up to decide and going to class."

As it turned out their first class of the day was Defense Against the Dark Arts was filled with the Ravenclaw kids. Between the two houses, there were a lot of kids completing their seventh year at Hogwarts and so everyone was packed tightly at tables. Harry and Ron ended up sitting at a table with Neville and Luna Lovegood while Hermione and Ginny went to sit at a table with two Ravenclaw kid's Harry didn't know the names of.

The Demigods arrived late and only four of them showed up for class. Harry was surprised to see that Percy wasn't one of them though it was Annabeth, Piper, Jason, and Nico. Though he supposed that the others could have been at another class with the other houses. Annabeth squeezed in next to Hermione and started to talk quietly with her. The other Demigods found other seats among the class. The were quiet throughout the class which drove Harry insane, he hated not knowing what was going on.

After DADA was Quidditch practice. Harry and Ron quickly headed out of the room catching back up with Ginny and Hermione on the way.

"So, what's the plan?" asked Ron taking Hermione's hand.

She shrugged, "Just as we thought. We wait until we're told what to do and hopefully things don't go to shit in the mean time.

Ron laughed, "Great should be easy enough to do. I'll see you guys on the pitch I need to grab my broom I left it in the dormitory." He ran off leaving the three of them to walk towards the Quidditch pitch.

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