Chapter 1:3

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A quick Authors Note here: the ages of the characters and the timeline isn't 100% accurate. I changed it a bit to fit with the story line. Enjoy your reading x

Making her way downstairs, Sirius was standing in the hallway bouncing from one heel to another, biting his lip in anticipation.

"Guess what-guess what- guess what!"

Holly was confused. Sirius had left her upstairs wondering about what just happened and now he was telling her to "guess".

Holly, annoyed, rolled her eyes. "Well let's see, have you finally come to the realisation that the earth goes around the sun and not the other way round?"

"No!" Sirius was clearly annoyed now. Sirius and Holly had been arguing for a while now about the sun and the earth. Sirius said that the sun went around the earth, Holly disagreed. Her mum had taught her about the planets and space and Holly would sit and listen for hours on end, losing track of time sometimes.

"GUESS!!" Sirius demanded, getting impatient.

"Um I give up?"

"Well Holly Barnes," Sirius said, "You can come with us to Diagon Alley tomorrow!" The words quickly rushed out of his mouth as if he couldn't keep them in any more, out of excitement.


"My mum gave Nate some money to pay for your school supplies, because your mum left some to her in her will."

Holly, trying to process the information, covered her mouth in shock.

"Oh my God" She mumbled to herself while pushing past Sirius into the dining room. She flung open the door and rushed to Walburga arms wrapped around her waist. "Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank youuu!" She didn't care if everyone was watching. She wanted them to see how kind Walburga was to her.

"Oh don't thank me dear, thank Sirius. He's the one that bought it up - begged, even." Walburga shook her head, smiling to herself.

Holly slowly unlatched herself from Walburga, and made her way towards Sirius. She was now facing him. "Thank you so much Sirius. I don't know what I'd do without you." She put Sirius in a warm embrace, letting all her worries drift away. She needed more people like Sirus in her life.

"Me too Holl, me too," Sirius mumbled into her shoulder.

Sirius was the same age as Holly and surprisingly the same height. Holly preferred it like this. She wanted to keep the same height as him, not wanting to grow too tall just in case she became taller, and not wanting to not grow at all, just in case Sirius grew taller. Middle-ish height was fine for her.

"Kids... come sit, come sit!" Walburga was now seated at the head of the table, her husband, Orion, to her right. Holly took her seat, only to realise she was now sitting next to Regulus. Oh no, oh no, no, no. She found it awkward when it came to her and Regulus. They hardly spoke, and even when they did, Holly was always the one who would start the conversation.
At least try to start it. Regulus would sometimes cut her off, saying he had something to do or just reply with a blunt 'yes' or 'no' and end it. They never used to see eye to eye and Holly didn't understand why. There was nothing to understand; it had always been like that. She never plucked up the courage to ask. Dinner was about to get very weird for her.

Lucius was sitting directly opposite Regulus and they were both engaged in a conversation about Quidditch. They had become quite close friends judging by the fact that they would always hang out together, Holly had noticed. Sirius would try to join in but found it hard seeing as he was sitting a few seats away from them, so he had to shout to be included in their conversation. Nate was talking to Andromeda. They were always together these days, neither of them sure whether they were 'together together' or not, so they left it in the middle. Walburga was talking to Druella and about the Daily Prophet. Bellatrix and Narcissa were sitting directly opposite of Holly and were talking about things which Holly tried not to understand.

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