Chapter 1:9

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"Well..done..Bella(!)" Narcisse snapped in between sharp exhales. They were all running down the corridor, trying to get to their classroom as quickly as possible.

"Well sorry for me eating a nice breakfast!"

They reached the door and tried to gain their breath.

"Great. Now we're late" Holly muttered under her breath. Holly was always on time for everything. She liked being early; it meant she was organised. Until starting Hogwarts yesterday, she had never been late for anything.

Holly pushed the door open and slowly they made their way to the back of the class towards the only empty seats. Everyone was staring at them, except the professor who was busy writing something on the board. Sirius caught Holly's eye and waved, one which Holly awkwardly gave back. Sirius was sitting on a table with three other boys from which she only noticed one: James.

"And why are you late?" A large man, who looked to be in his 40s, had turned round to face Holly, Bellatrix and Narcissa. He wore a patterned gold waistcoat with gold buttons, which he didn't tie up, giving the impression that he either was unable to or found it more stylish to keep it open.  He had a trimmed moustache on his top lip which looked to be a shade of gingery-blonde. "Well?"

"Um," Holly looked over at Bellatrix who just shrugged in response, "we finished breakfast late"

"Is that right? What's your name?"

"Holly. Holly Barnes"

"I know your brother!" The man exclaimed, "He's in my Slug Club I'll have you know"

"Slug Club?"

"Yes yes my Slug Club. You can ask him all about it"

"Um ok"

"Alright then class" He was now addressing the room,"My name is Professor Slughorn and I will be teaching you Potions"

"Thanks for the help guys(!)" Holly whispered to Bellatrix and Narcissa.

"I get all itchy and sneezy when I have to lie" exclaimed Narcissa.

"Since when?!" Holly spoke in disbelief.

"Since I was five"

"Are you hearing this?" Holly tilted her head towards Bellatrix who was busy fiddling with her quill. She looked up, confused.

"What are you guys talking about?"

Holly sighed, "Forgot it"

"Now for this task I want you all to partner up" Slughorn exclaimed. The class started to murmur excitedly. "But," Everyone stopped to look at him, "there is a twist". The whole class let out a 'ugh' in response. "Yes that's right. I will choose your partners and it will be someone from the opposite house" Everyone went quite. Professor Slughorn pulled out a piece of parchment and began to read:

"Lily Evans and Bellatrix Lestrange" Bellatrix snapped out of her daze and looked around.

"What's going on?" Bellatrix whispered to Holly.

"You're partners with Lily Evans"

Bellatrix groaned and pressed her forehead against the wooden table. She slowly got up and made her way, hesitantly, towards the seat next to Lily and slumped onto the stool.

"Severus Snape and Peter Pettigrew" A small boy with neatly trimmed hair, made his way from his seat next to James, to sit next to Snape, the boy Holly met on the train.

"Holly Barnes and Remus Lupin" A boy with light brown hair and hazel eyes stood from his seat next to Sirius. He looked around the room before resting his eyes on Holly. He whispered something in Sirius' ear before limply making his way towards the free seat next to her. Holly tensed as he sat down next to her, elbows propped up on the table. One hand ran down his face. He looked tired.

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