Chapter 1:6

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The Great Hall was the most unreal room that any of them had seen. There were 4 long tables arranged in the middle, each with their Hogwarts house flag hovering above. There was a staff table at the front and there was a throne-like chair in the middle, presumably where the headmaster sat.

They walked through the middle of the hall, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"We got lost" James bellowed, causing the whole hall to turn around and look.

Sirius cleared his throat and harshly whispered, "Thanks a lot James!"

"What happened to 'trying not to draw attention to ourselves?'" Holly was now embarrassed, clearly annoyed at James.

Sirius scoffed. "Tell that to the speaker on legs"

"That's all right. I was just giving the first year's rules about the school. Feel free to join the group in the sorting" The headmaster had risen, gesturing towards the large group of first years, huddled in front of the wooden stage.

A woman, with a scroll, had taken to the front of the stage, holding the sorting hat next to her.

"My name is Professor McGonagall and I am a teacher here at Hogwarts. When I call out your name, you may come to the front and the sorting hat will assign you one of the following houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin"

She cleared her throat and unrolled the scroll.

"Lily Evans"

Lily nervously walked to the front and Professor McGonagall placed the hat on her head.

The hat spoke. " Hmm. Well. Now lets see. Ah yes. Gryffindor!"

The Gryffindor table arose in cheers and Lily made her way to take her seat next to them. Slowly, the first year group started declining, going to their assigned house tables.

"Regulus Black?"

He stepped out of the scattered crowd and made his way towards the seat.

"Hmm ahh yes. I see I see."

Regulus was whispering over and over to himself, pleading even. No- one could tell what he was saying.

"Fine alright. Slytherin!"

The Slytherin table shot up in cheers, Bellatrix, Narcissa and Lucius, cheering in approval. They were all sorted into Slytherin,as Bellatrix predicted.

"Sirius Black"

Sirius nervously made his way towards the stage. Holly could tell he was nervous.

"Um well it would make sense to put you in Slytherin, but I have a feeling you'll do better elsewhere.. Gryffindor!"

Holly froze. Cheers were drowned out with boos as Sirius rose from the stool in shock, and walked up to the Gryffindor table. He scanned the room and he met Regulus' deep, concerned eyes. Sirius slumped himself down, still in shock. Holly looked over at the Slytherin table and they were all standing, arguing with each other; clearly confused at what just happened.

Holly didn't have much time to acknowledge the situation as Professor McGonagall called out her name. Slowly, she made her way towards the stage. All eyes were on her now. A sharp voice came from above her, "Now let us see, where to put you. Hmm I do have a vague idea but i just want to be sure. Where do you wanna be put?"

Holly was startled by the question, "Um-I-um.. Slytherin?"

The sorting hat let out a sharp cackle, "Not very sure are you? Oh well.. Slytherin!"

Cheers and applause blurred out her senses. The whole Slytherin table was on their feet. She got up from the seat on the stage, and walked towards the Slytherin table.

"Yayy I knew you could do it Holly!" Bellatrix applauded.

"Yeah well done Holly!" exclaimed Narcissa.

They both made room for Holly to sit between them. Nathaniel leaned over and patted Holly's back in pride.

"Well done Holls!"

Holly smiled back. She didn't know getting sorted into the right house was such a big deal. She watched as the group of first years slowly started to diminish.

After the last one was sorted, Professor Dumbledore rose. "Now let the feast begin!" he sang.

And like magic, the then empty tables were now full of all types of food ranging from chicken and steak to trifle and fruit cake. Holly started filling her plate with food; just like everyone else. Hesitant, she glimpsed at the Gryffindor table. Sirius was sad, head bowed down, James one arm around him trying to comfort him. She had to talk to him somehow.


"Come on Slytherin's. Keep up!"

They were now following the prefect to their dorms. Holly's arms were interlinked with both Bellatrixes and Narcissa's. They were both overly excited.

"Oh my god. We can all share a dorm now!" Narcissa had planned for this even before they had gotten sorted into Slytherin.

"I wonder what they'd be like," spoke Holly.

"I hope they're decorated to the best of standards! And we get our own personal bathroom. Ooh! I do hope we get a balcony too!" Bellatrix exclaimed.

Narcissa rolled her eyes.

"A girl can dream" Bellatrix sang.

They approached their common room door and were told to repeat a specific phrase which was supposed to be their password.

"Ooh I love a sense of security. At least one can get some privacy around here." Narcissa exclaimed.

"Now everyone repeat after me," The Prefect addressed the first years, "Wattlebird"

The whole first year Slytherin's chanted after him, "Wattlebird"

"Alright alright I'll let you in" The portrait spoke. It moved to the side and they all stepped through.


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