Chapter 2 - Winter Ball

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After Keiran walks into the shower Kara plays with her dog for a moment, happily stroking it. The dog looks to be a white Labrador Retriever, with a yellow collar around its neck. As Kara continues to stroke the dog, she inspects it further, and she can tell that the dog must only be a few years old, no more than 3 years of age. Then at the same time the dog is in very good shape, it doesn't have any flees or anything of that sort, while also looking relatively clean. Kara thinks that is a bit strange for the dog of a homeless person to be in this clean a state, as usually the dogs are pretty dirty and flea ridden. But Kara is also aware that most homeless people would sooner starve than make their dog suffer. The last thing that Kara notices about the dog is that it is clearly a male, although it has obviously been neutered, which is again strange for a homeless person's dog. But Kara doesn't think anything further of it, she just assumes that maybe the dog got neutered before Keiran got it, or perhaps Keiran had it neutered by someone at some point.

"You're a pretty boy, aren't you?" Kara smiles at the dog, as she continues to stroke it.

The dog just continues to pant and wag his tail as Kara strokes him on his head. Eventually however Kara stops, as she knows that she has to get on with a bit more work before she has to prepare for the El-Corp ball.

Kara stands up from patting the dog and smiles down at him.

"You stay there, I'm just going to go over to my desk to do some more work, okay boy?" Kara smiles.

The dog just pants happily at Kara, wagging its tail still, but seems to get the message as he makes himself comfortable by laying down by the couch.

Kara walks over to her desk, but before she does, she stops over at her bar and pours herself a nice glass of her own specially made alien whiskey. Obviously normal alcohol does not affect Kara at all, which was no fun growing up, and in college. It wasn't until Kara moved to National City, for her final year of studying, that she discovered alien bars where she could actually feel some sort of buzz from alcohol for the first time ever. Then once Kara created El-Corp, one of her first personal side projects was to create her own range of alcohols for herself to drink, just so she can take the edge off from time to time. Of course, being the business woman Kara is, she used her experience creating her own alcohol to produce a line of human and alien alcohols that El-Corp sold, earning El-Corp hundreds of millions of dollars a year in revenue.

Once Kara has drunk the alien whiskey, feeling it burn down her throat, leaving a nice tingly feeling, she walks over to her desk and continues to work. Kara gets another 10 minutes of work done before Jess interrupts her by entering her office with a change of clothes for Keiran, and some food for the homeless woman and her dog. Kara smiles at Jess and thanks her for her assistance.

After Jess leaves Kara's office Kara gets back up and gives some chicken to the dog who happily eats away at it, on a plate. Kara then grabs the clothes Jess brought her and heads over to the bathroom door, and then knocks.

"Keiran?" Kara calls out, hearing the shower running.

"I'm sorry, I'll be out soon!" Kara hears Keiran call back, sounding very nervous.

"No, take as long as you need. I just wanted to say I have some spare clean clothes for you to wear here. My assistant has got you a selection to choose from." Kara informs Keiran.

"Oh, thank you!" Keiran calls back.

"I just wanted to ask, is it okay if I step inside just to put the clothes by the door for you to choose from? I promise I won't look at you!" Kara asks.

There is a moments silence and for a few seconds Kara thinks that she may not get a reply.

"Yeah.... okay..." Keiran replies, nervously.

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