Chapter 42 - Luthor Manor

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Today has truly not been an easy one for Lena, after learning everything about Lionel's will. So many thoughts have flooded through her head, and the former homeless woman can't help but be very emotional. For a while, Alex did try and comfort her, and it was nice, but it didn't really help. The person who Lena really wanted to be there with her, supporting and comforting her, is Kara, but she isn't, and that just makes things so much worse. This is on top of the fact that Lena knows that Kara is likely in Lillian and Lex's grasp, or close to being so. Lena honestly worries what Lex and Lillian may do to Kara if they find out that she's not really her. Lena just really hopes that Lex hasn't got his hands on any kryptonite or anything.

After Lena had her emotional breakdown at the DEO, the brunette spent a little more time at the government facility, talking to everyone about things, before Alex then decided to drive her home. Once they got back to Sam's, Alex did offer to stay with Lena, and continue to give her support, by Lena insisted that Alex go into work. Lena did this not only because she kind of just wanted to be alone with Krypto, but also because she didn't want to distract Alex from any work which could potentially either help Kara and the DEO, or assist Sam with all her work she now has at El-Corp. So, Alex did eventually leave, and Lena was then left alone, with only her trusty dog companion by her side.

For the rest of the day, Lena ended up feeling very numb most of the time. There were moments when Lena would burst into tears, and then other moments when she would yell out in frustration, but in between it all, she was just numb. Lena honestly doesn't have any idea as to how to even begin to work through everything, and process what her life is, and how everything has been caused by Lex and Lillian. The only comfort that Lena could take from the day, was that Krypto never left her side, clearly sensing her emotional turmoil, like he usually does. The dog simply cuddled up to Lena's side, and laid his head in her lap.


It is now later on in the evening, and Sam is just returning home from work, along with Ruby. Sam had picked Ruby up from day care earlier, but she still had so much work to do, that she just took the 4-year-old back to her office with her. Right until now, Sam hasn't been able to see or speak to Lena ever since the brunette found out the news about Lionel's will. Alex has returned, but she hasn't been able to get Lena to talk much.

"How is she?" Sam asks Alex, after giving her girlfriend a brief kiss in greeting.

"Not good." Alex replies, with a concerned look on her face, "She's just up in her bedroom with Krypto, where I think she's been most of the day. I went to check on her earlier, when I got back from work, but she was just laying on her bed, stroking Krypto, with kind of a distant look in her eyes."

"Right..." Sam nods, after taking a deep shaky breath. "I'll go talk to her. Could you please just watch Ruby for a bit?"

"Of course." Alex replies, with a smile.

Alex and Sam then look around for Ruby, who literally walked in the house with Sam moments ago, but they can't spot her.

"Uhhh.... where is she?" Alex asks, confused.

Sam looks around again.

"I don't know...." Sam replies, "She's in the house...... I know that...."

The two adults then hear a noise coming from upstairs, and that is when they realise the young girl has gone up to see Lena.

"Oh shoot." Sam says, thinking Lena probably doesn't want to deal with Ruby right now.

Sam quickly makes her way upstairs. Alex decides to stay downstairs, because she doesn't want to crowd Lena or anything, and she thinks all of them being in her bedroom might be a bit too much for her.

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