Chapter 3 - Stress Relief

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It is now Friday evening and Kara has had a pretty trying week both at El-Corp and as Supergirl, ever since the Winter ball on Monday. It has all just been one thing after another going wrong ever since the ball ended. Kara has had to deal with several issues at work with various projects that have failed, some thanks to incompetence of members of El-Corp's science research and development division. Then Kara has also had to deal with several Supergirl problems throughout the week that have had her up and awake even earlier than she usually would like to be up, cutting into her all-important limited sleep schedule. Then to top everything off, Kara found out late on Wednesday evening that one of the members in the company's finance department had been embezzling money and stealing from El-Corp, primarily through funds that were supposed to go to charities. This resulted in Kara obviously contacting the police and having the person arrested, but then she also had the unpleasant task of having to spend her time to actually personally look into the finances to see how the finance department didn't catch it for so long. Obviously Kara could have just had the finance department open up an investigation, but she knew that it was very unlikely that they would give her an honest account of their own failings, as they would be essentially investigating themselves. So, Kara decided that she couldn't trust anyone else to do the job, and gave up much of her sleep on Wednesday night, and into Thursday morning, just to come to the conclusion that several members in El-Corp's financial department should have caught onto it much sooner, and either were incompetent in their jobs and didn't catch it, or potentially just looked the other way. Kara for her part couldn't find any hard proof that these employees actively knew and helped the person embezzle the money, so she just had to fire them all for incompetence, as well as inform the police about the potential that they may also have been taking money under the table. This of course all led into another headache when the news was all over her and El-Corp, particularly about the fact that the money stolen was money the company was supposed to give to charity. It didn't matter to most of the news organisations that Kara said that she would personally make up all the money that was stolen, using her own finances to make up for it, they still attacked her and El-Corp anyway.

It is now Friday evening, close to 7PM and because of everything Kara has had a very, very long week. Kara knows that all she wants to do is relax. The only positive about this week is that Kara's assistant is a literal godsend, without her Kara thinks that she may have had several break downs already, from all the stress. But Jess has been there for Kara throughout it all, making sure she eats, and even helping look into the financial investigation, despite Kara not asking for her help. Frankly, Jess is just about the only person with the intellectual know how, that Kara trusted to help her look into the finances.

Kara is currently packing away her things for the day, putting all her stuff into her designer bag, preparing to head home. Kara thinks that she just needs a good rest before the next issue comes up, be that Supergirl or El-Corp related. Once Kara finishes packing her things, she puts her designer coat on and then walks over to her bar and has a drink of a few fingers deep pour of her alien whiskey. Kara then texts her driver that she will be down soon for him to take her home.

As Kara is walking out of her office, she gets a text from her sister.

Alex (to Kara): Hey sis. I know you have had a stressful week. You up for a game night?

Kara (to Alex): No sorry. I just want to relax tonight, and I don't think I'm really in the mood for a game night.

Kara: But you guys all have fun.

Alex: Are you sure?

Alex: I could come over if you want, and we could watch a movie? We can just have a quiet sister's night instead?

Kara: No, I'm good. I think I'm just going to get an early night and head to bed.

Alex: Okay.

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