Chapter 18 - Plane Ride

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The plane that Kara and Lena are on slowly begins moving, heading towards the runway of the airport in Jump City. As this happens, Kara becomes more and more relieved that they are now away from any of Lex and Lillian Luthor's people from finding Lena. Kara realises just how close Lena came to being found by her brother and mother, and then horribly things likely happening to her, seeing as they had already killed someone. Kara now finally feels like she can breathe a bit more easily, as Lena is once more within her grasp, and this time Kara certainly isn't going to let her go, at least not without a fight.

Kara looks over to Lena and grows a concerned look on her face, noticing that the former homeless woman is gripping onto her seat tightly, as if she is scared.

"Lena?" Kara says, softly, "Are you okay?"

"Hmm?" Lena replies, looking up at Kara.

As Lena looks at Kara, Kara sees pure and utter fear in Lena's eyes. For a moment Kara thinks that it's because it has finally hit the youngest Luthor just how close she came to being found by Lex and Lillian. But after a few moments, Kara dismisses that thought. Kara then notices Lena look out the window, and growing more and more anxious as they continue to move. That is when Kara puts two and two together.

"Lena? Are you scared of flying?" Kara asks.

"Hmmhmm.... Yes..." Lena says, breathlessly.

Kara then quickly gets out of her seat and moves next to Lena, crouching down next to her. Kara knows that she can do this while they take off, because she has powers, and can make herself stay in place, whereas human beings wouldn't be able to. Kara knows that Lena might find it strange, but right now Kara doesn't care about that, she only cares about making sure Lena is feeling better.

"Lena? Look at me." Kara says, softly.

Lena slowly turns her head to look at Kara, biting her lip, with a fearful look on her face.

"Can I touch you? Hold your hand?" Kara asks, once more softly.

Lena nods her head, the fear now so bad she is unable to speak.

"Okay." Kara replies, and then moves her hand over to Lena's and begins stroking it with her thumb.

Lena for her part grips Kara's hand, tightly. In fact, Kara thinks that if she were human, Lena would be hurting her hand a lot right now, as she literally has a death grip on it.

"Hey, look at me, not out of the window." Kara says, noticing Lena looking out of the window, just as the plane begins to build up speed as it takes off.

Lena turns her head, hesitantly, and looks at Kara, with pure fear on her face. Kara feels so bad for Lena right now, that last thing she wanted to happen is for Lena to be scared of something. Kara thought she'd got Lena away from her fear, of being scared that Lex and Lillian would capture her, but instead she just made Lena live another fear by bringing her on this plane, as it is clear Lena has a fear of flying or something. Kara can't help but feel a bit guilty about it, even if flying back to National City was really the only option they had, as driving back would have taken well over 24 hours.

"It's okay, Lena. I've got you; nothing is going to happen. We are safe, you are safe." Kara says, attempting to reassure the former homeless woman.

"Hgmghmm." Lena hums, still not looking convinced, as she stares at Kara, terrified.

Kara shoots Lena another look of sympathy as she sees the woman who she thinks is her soulmate look so scared.

"Hey..... when we get back..... you can see Krypto again.... he's been missing you." Kara says, hoping that bringing up Krypto will at least distract Lena as they continue to take off.

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