Chapter 31 - Friday Night

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It is now Friday afternoon, and Sam and Lena are just returning from work. The two have, as has been usual over the last 2 weeks, been greeted at the door by Ruby and Krypto, with Sam then dismissing the baby sitter, and Lena removing her image inducer.

"So, are you going to be having dinner with us tonight, Lena?" Sam asks, "Or are you going to go out with Stacy and her friends?"

"Uhhh..... I don't think so." Lena replies, "I think I want to just stay in."

"Oh, come on Lena." Sam says, encouraging her best friend, "You need to enjoy your life some more. You shouldn't continue to put everything on hold just because of Lex and Lillian. You have given up enough over the last few years. You deserve to cut loose and have some well-deserved fun."

"I'm not sure...." Lena says, anxiously.

"Oh, just do it Lena." Sam says, "I'll help you dress up all nice and fancy, and you can borrow one of my outfits or something. You can then just go out, and have some drinks, and some fun, and forget about your troubles and worries for an evening. You deserve this Lena, and I honestly think you need it too. I would join you if I didn't have a four-year-old to deal with. Although I'm pretty sure going out with the boss would be a bit of a buzz kill for Stacy anyway."

Lena is silent for a moment, as she thinks to herself.

"Okay.... I'll do it." Lena eventually says.

"Great!!" Sam says, smiling happily for her friend. "Let's go get you dressed!"

Lena chuckles at Sam's enthusiasm.

"Sam, it's only 5:40. I don't need to be at the bar for over an hour yet." Lena says.

"I know. But we need to make sure we get the perfect dress for you to go with your image inducer look!" Sam says, almost giggly.

Lena shakes her head at the amusement Sam is having by everything.

"You are excited about dressing me up, aren't you?" Lena smirks.

"Of course I am!" Sam replies, with a big smile, "Don't you remember when we were in university, how excited I would get helping you to pick out your perfect outfit for one of our nights out?"

Lena chuckles, remembering what Sam is mentioning.

"Yes, I do." Lena replies, "But tonight I think you might just be living vicariously through me."

"Nooooooo." Sam denies, poorly.

Lena chuckles again.

"When was the last time you actually went out, Sam?" Lena asks.

"Uhhh..... We went out for dinner like a month ago, before I left for Japan." Sam says.

"And by we, you mean just you and Alex?" Lena asks, with a knowing smirk.

"Uhhh.... no.... Ruby.... and Kara were there too..." Sam admits, blushing slightly.

Lena laughs again.

"See you are living vicariously through me!" Lena says.

"Alright, fine, maybe I am." Sam admits.

"Well..... maybe once I actually get my life back..... and Lillian and Lex are behind bars.... we can all go out together, and have a bunch of fun?" Lena suggests.

Sam breaks out into a big smile.

"Yes!" Sam says, excitedly, "That is what I want to hear! You, with some hope that things will actually get better, and that we will expose Lex and Lillian for who they are!"

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