Assistant Manager

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It's only been about two months into my second year at Karasuno and I was fed up with all the work. I've been here since my first year and I still don't really like it. I was never the school type of person and never will be.

I have friends but I don't see them a ton due to the fact that they are all in different classes as me and they all have boyfriends or girlfriends. We all made a promise that when we all started dating each other would come first but it didn't really turn out that way.

I spend most of my time eating alone at lunch which bothered me at first but now I'm ok with it. I sometimes get to sit with Kiyoko but since she's a third-year she's usually busy with her clubs or getting ready for university stuff.

People would probably say that I'm a shy and quiet person but that's not really all true. Yes, I don't talk to many people at school but once you get to know me I'm probably the loudest person you'd ever meet. I mean I love to make people laugh so hard they snort.

"(Y/N) what's the answer for number four?" my math teacher asked. "Huh, what?" I said clearly not paying attention. I dozed off staring out the window again. I could hear someone behind whispering the answer so I might as well take it.

"Uh, it's 37," I said right before the teacher was about to get on me for not paying attention to class like I normally do. "Hmm correct," my teacher said in a tone almost hoping that I would slip up.

I turned around to thank the random kid.

This happened a lot though, my classmates giving the answers just so we all wouldn't have to listen to the teacher give another lecture. I wouldn't say that I'm a troublemaker but I'm definitely not a teacher's pet.

The bell rang dismissing us from class. This was the final bell so everyone could go home plus it is Friday which made everything better now.

I was walking down the hallway till I saw Kiyoko coming towards me. She is very pretty and intimidating and even though we are friends it's still scary seeing her so focused coming my way.

"(Y/N) can I speak to you for a moment," she asked with a plain face holding some papers. "Uh yeah sure what's going on?" I asked.

"Well, you know how you owe me a favor," she said now grabbing my shoulder and walking me down the hallway. We passed many people, some who were admiring her and some who were curious as to what was going on.

"Yeah, why?" I asked, trying to free myself from her grip.

Last year I was failing a lot of my classes and with finals coming up my grades would have been terrible if Kiyoko didn't offer to tutor me. I pretty much hated school but I know that my parents would be on my ass if I did badly the first year so I took her help.

"Well you're going to be an assistant volleyball manager," she said dragging me outside. Now I could tell where we were going. We were going to the gym.

"Woah Woah hold on," I said, dragging my feet to make us both stop. "I am not doing any after-school stuff, I don't want to be here more than I have to".

Kiyoko turned to me and said "you owe me remember and plus your friend so you have to do this for me. And plus if I can't find anybody by the end of the year you have to take over for me but if I can then you can quit."

I stared at her blankly and she stared back, obviously not going to take no as an answer. I did owe her but this seems way bigger than what she did for me last year. But she was my friend and plus she was really pretty and sweet so I couldn't turn her down.

"Ok fine but if you find someone by the end of the year I don't have to do this next year?" I asked. "Correct," she said, turning back towards the gym.

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