Breaking In

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Noya quickly pulled me into the store where the cashier was sound asleep with a magazine over his head and legs propped up on the counter. "You wanna get some snacks?" Noya said rubbing his feet on the rug by the door.

"Yeah, I'm starving" I laughed as Noya almost fell from the water dripping off of himself onto the floor. He gave me a smile and a thumbs-up before he ran off into one of the isles. When he came back he had an arm full of chips and candy and drinks.

I started laughing really loud at the sight of him struggling and waddling over to me. He placed all the stuff on the counter and said "I'm ready to pay" and the cashier still didn't wake up. He turned back to rubbing his head in confusion.

I shrugged my shoulders "just leave some money I guess". He reached into his pocket and grabbed a ball of crumpled money placing it on the counter. He reached over grabbing two bags and put all of the stuff into them.

We walked out of the store standing under the roof to avoid the rain for a moment. "Do you wanna come over to my house?" he said with a big smile on his face.

I wanted to say yes but I knew that my parents would want me home since it was storming pretty badly. "I really want to Noya but I don't think my parents would let me," I said.

"Aww why not," he said looking upset a little. I looked out into the distance watching the lightning getting closer. "My parents wouldn't want me out in this storm and they definitely wouldn't want me getting stuck at a boy's house" I laughed seeing his reaction as he almost got on his knees to start begging.

"I understand," he said, giving me a sarcastic pout and handing me one of the bags of snacks. "Here you said that you were hungry so have it. I want to make sure you eat something." He gave me a genuine smile and continued to look into my eyes after saying that.

Nobody has ever said anything like that to me. Not even my friends or family. It felt comforting to know that somebody cared enough to say something like that though. After hearing that it made me like Noya even more.

"You know what," I said, putting down the snack bag. "Give me your phone real quick," I said motioning for him to give me his phone. Without any questions, he reached into his bag and handed me his phone.

I typed in my number and put my contact name as '(Y/N) <3' just for fun. I handed it back to him and watched his face light up. "I should probably get going now but I'll see you at school Noya," I said and I leaned in to give him a hug.

I started to run in the direction of my house. I turned around just to see what he was doing and when I turned back he was jumping up and down and flailing his arms all over the place.

I turned back around and smiled to myself. I thought to myself, I think that this will start to be something great.

I woke up to my mom knocking on my door Monday morning. "Yes?" I said half asleep and rolled back over. She walked in and I could feel her sitting on the end of my bed. "Schools canceled for today since the power is still out from the storm on Saturday," she said and left.

I opened my eyes and checked my phone for any messages before I was going to go back to bed. I saw that Noya had texted me a few minutes ago and it read 'MEET ME AT SCHOOL AT 8:00 pm TONIGHT'.

I rolled over and stared at the star-filled ceiling. I don't want school on a day where we have school off but if Noya is asking me to go then I will. I laid there for a few moments and realized that I had a huge smile plastered across my face.

I responded to his message 'ok see ya then' and rolled back over to sleep for a little bit longer. Trying to go back to sleep, my mind wondered what possible things that he was going to show me or what we were going to do.

Nishinoya's Little Love {nishinoya x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now