Ceiling Stars

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It was the day of Karasuno's practice match against Nekoma and Noya was beyond excited. All week at practice he was bragging how he and the volleyball team were going to demolish Nekoma.

He even told me that one day he got kicked out of class for talking too much about volleyball and when he told me that I started laughing my ass off.

After school ended for the week, I found Kiyoko in the halls and walked with her to the gym. We entered the gym and saw the team setting up the nets and getting the volleyballs out.

Kiyoko and I started to fill up the water bottle and grabbed some first aid kits just in case something were to happen.

As we were filling up the water bottles at the fountain outside, the Nekoma bus pulled up. Their team started exiting the bus in a neat and orderly fashion. There was a tall rooster looking boy who seemed to be the captain.

After him came a multi-colored-haired boy playing on what looked like a DS. The rest of the team came out carrying equipment and taking it to the gym.

"Some of those guys are pretty tall," I said to Kiyoko. She turned around to face the team that was now entering the gym. "Yeah but it doesn't matter how tall they are if they can't play well," she said turning back to me.

I was distracted looking at all of the intimidating players that the water overflowed the bottle that I was filling up.

We walked back to the gym and saw Daichi and the rooster boy talking. They seemed to know each other. They shook hands and walked back to their teams.

"What should we do now?" I asked Kiyoko. "Well now we do whatever we can to help the boys win," she said with her normal plain face.

The other team started to warm up and to my surprise, the multi-colored hair boy was their setter. He was actually pretty impressive yet seemed to be unbothered by everything that was happening and looked as if he didn't want to be there.

Coach Ukai and Nekoma's coach spoke while the teams started to prepare for the practice match. Kiyoko told me that it was about time to begin and we took our seat on the bench.

The practice match began and both teams showed off their skills. The Nekoma's setter performed a setter dump while we fired back with milkman and oranges special attack.

Nekoma was winning and it would be very hard for our team to make a comeback. Even if we were to lose though we still had gotten so much practice and experience facing outside people and learning their tactics.

During the last few minutes of the practice match, the ball was spiked to our side. It didn't look like anyone could get to it in time. The speed and placement of the ball were out of reach for any of our players.

But to everyone's surprise, Noya was able to save it, but with his foot. "Is he allowed to do that?" I turned to Kiyoko with a surprised and thrilled look plastered on my face. She and everyone else was speechless.

Dachi recovered the ball from Noya and scored a point for us. Kiyoko turned to me, still a little shocked by Noya's move. "Uh yeah I guess since it never touched the ground," she said in her usual tone.

Somehow we were able to turn the game around with us taking over the second set. The boys took a break to catch their breaths and get some water.

I ran over to Noya and started jumping up and down. "NOYA THAT WAS AMAZING!" I said with much excitement. Noya began to join me and now we both were jumping up and down.

Tsuki scoffed and mumbled something but whatever it was Noya didn't like it. Noya chucked his water bottle at Tsuki's head and Tsuki bent down just in time to not get hit by it. Noya and I fell to the ground at the sight of Tsuki grumbling at us.

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