Be Patient

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There wasn't much to do in the hospital room the next day. We just sat around and watched movies or played with the deck of cards Noya's mom brought in that morning.

The doctor came in around 4 pm with his clipboards and a bag of medical stuff. "You can go home now. I'm just going to leave this with you, it's a bag of ointment and tape for your cheek if it falls off" he said, setting the bag down.

"I've already signed you out so you can get dresses and leave whenever you're ready. Have a good one" the doctor said leaving the room. I grabbed the clothes Noya's mom brought and handed them to him so he could change.

"Do you need any help?" I asked him as he sat up and set his legs over the side of the bed. He lifted his head and winked at me "I mean you could help if you wanted to".

I rolled my eyes and threw the clothes at him. "I'm going to use the bathroom" and excused myself to the restroom.

When I came out I saw Noya standing messing with his pants. His back was facing me. There were a few small scratches and brushes that covered his lower back. I felt really bad for him and hoped that he didn't feel too much pain.

I walked up behind and wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my forehead against his back. He let out a sigh of relief and turned around still in my embrace. He put his chin on top of my head and kissed it.

Leaning back, I saw his abdomen exposed. His abs were faint but still there and he had a big scratch on his right hip by his v-line.

"I'm sorry this happened to you Noya," I asked, pulling him back into a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and put his head on top of mine.

"You know it's kind of hot seeing you all sympathetic towards me," he said and I could tell he was smirking by the way he said it. I playfully pushed him back and sat on his hospital bed where he stood in front of me.

"Ok well, you ruined it," I said jokingly. "Get dressed, I don't want to be here much longer. Hospitals are kind of creepy".

He huffed and nodded his head in agreement putting on his shirt, socks, and shoes. We packed up all of his and my that was scattered across the room and prepared to leave.

We decided to go straight to Noya's house, his mom picked us up and dropped us off before going back to work. We went to his bedroom and I offered him help if he needed to go up the stairs.

He shook his head no but I could tell that his legs hurt and that he was sore.

Noya rolled onto his bed and offered to help unpack his things. I said that I could do it since I wanted him to rest and get better as soon as possible. I took out the clothes that were in the hospital bag that contained his bloody clothes.

"Do you still want these or should I toss them?" I asked, turning around, holding them up for Noya to see. He was on his back but rolled over to his side now facing me. "You can throw those away," he said.

I put them back in the disposable bag and went to the trash can, throwing them away. When I came back Noya was starting to doze off. I grabbed my things ready to leave but before I opened the door Noya spoke.

"Where are you going?" he spoke in a sleepy voice. I turned around with my things in hand. "Well, I was going to go back to my place since you are ok here".

"Please stay with me longer," he said, holding out his hands like a child wanting to be picked up. I looked at the time and back at my phone for any messages. "Sure I can for a little bit longer," I said crawling into bed with him.

Nishinoya's Little Love {nishinoya x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now