Hospital Room

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There was this tiny buzzing sound that kept ringing in my ears and I had a killer headache. I slowly opened my eyes and looked around to see that I was in a hospital room.

I was in immense pain and was very confused as to why I was at the hospital. My immediate thought was where was (y/n).

I started to attempt to sit up but was very sore and felt this weight on my left lower side. I looked down to see (y/n) curled up into a ball clutching onto my leg like a pillow. She had goosebumps on her upper arms from the freezing room temperatures and what looked like dried blood around her fingertips.

Looking over to my right arm I noticed that I had an IV and some big bruises. The room was empty other than (y/n) and me.

From what I could remember I was skating on the rail at the skatepark and the next thing I knew I was laying on the ground with people surrounding me. Now I am stuck here in the hospital.

I could feel (y/n) rustle around and felt as though she was about to wake up. Maybe once she wakes up she could tell me exactly what happened to me and how I ended up here.


I awoke to the slight movement coming from next to my head. I opened my eyes which were immediately met with Noya's.

He was sitting up a little now and looked very confused as to what was going on. Oh no, he better not have the thing where you get hit really hard and forget your memories. I think it's called amnesia.

"Oh please tell me you know who I am! If you have amnesia I don't know what I'd do!" I yelled out, starting to cry a little. I jumped up to him and hugged him tightly completely forgetting that he was injured.

He made a wincing sound and I backed off of him and sat back at the end of the bed. He just looked at me and started laughing, it sounded like he was in a little pain doing so.

"(Y/N) of course I know who you are, I'm not dumb. You're my fuck gorgeous ass girlfriend" he said giving me a reassuring thumbs-up. I smiled and jumped back at him to hug him. He let out another painful sound. "Oh, shit, sorry I forgot you're kind of broken right now," I said wiping my tears.

He looked at me and laughed but then put on a more serious face. "What happened to me? Am I alright? Can I still play volleyball? How did I get here?" he asked all at once.

I put my finger to his lips to quiet him and smiled "hold on Noya too fast, let me answer one at a time" I said, taking off my finger from his lips. He looked at me funny and looked at my fingers.

"Oh this is yours, I tried washing it off a couple of times but I guess it tinted my hands a little," I said shrugging my shoulders. He gave me a concerned look, "I'm fine I swear now back to you" I said giving him a smile.

"Ok so do you remember you trying to do that trick on the staircase railing?" I asked and he nodded a yes. "Ok, so basically when you fell you rolled down the concrete stairs multiple times causing you to get bruises, scratches, and a big cut on your cheek," I said pointing to his cheek.

Noya lifted his hand and gently felt over his face where there were some stitches and tape over his cheekbone where the gash was. His eyes widened in panic "OH NO PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME IF I GET A SCAR ON MY FACE!" he screeched.

I looked at him with some sadness thinking about what he just said. "Noya I would never leave you simply on something based on your looks. I'm in love with your heart and soul, and please don't ever think anything like that" I said looking at him a little upset.

He grabbed my hand and kissed the top of it. He gave me a little half-smile and mouthed the words 'I love you'.

"Anyway, I'm pretty sure you are alright and that you can play volleyball soon but we have to wait till the doctor comes back. And as for how you got here I yelled at one of your uni friends to call for an ambulance and I rode with you on the way here" I said.

Nishinoya's Little Love {nishinoya x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now