I'm Sorry

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I awoke to be violently shaken by Kiyoko. "Hey what the-" I yelped falling out of bed still wrapped in my blankets. I moved my bed head hair away from my face and looked, locking eyes with Kiyoko. "You're going to be late for this morning practice," she said, helping me up.

I rubbed my eyes still holding onto my blankets. I looked over to my clock that rested on my nightstand and saw the big green fluorescent letters that read 7:00 am. "It's the weekend, why is practice so early?" I said, starting to crawl back in bed.

Kiyoko quickly grabbed me and yanked me out of bed. She proceeded to throw some clothes at me that she got out of my dresser. "I'll be outside waiting," she said before she left my room.

I layed down on my floor looking up at my ceiling where I still had glow-in-the-dark stars from when I was younger. Still being very exhausted I decided to get dressed.

We made it to the gym just in time and Kiyoko apologized saying that I had some trouble with my time management skills. I rolled my eyes and joined her sitting on the bench.

The team began to practice and everything went on smoothly. Noya kept looking over at me and winking. I have no idea what's wrong with this boy but he's interesting.

After about an hour the boys had a short break time, and I decided to go take a little walk outside. It was kind of nice being up this early and actually enjoying the environment since I usually am sleeping this early.

I could hear the morning birds chirping and see the clouds starting to move away from the sun. The morning dew still stuck to the grass covering my shoes in the green grass blades. The wind started to blow as the fall winds started to come at this time of year.

I could hear footsteps running behind me. I whipped around a little afraid as to who was approaching me. It was Noya. I rolled my eyes and turned around continuing my pace a little faster.

"Hey where are you going!" he yelled catching up to me. I huffed and said, "I don't know, I just wanted some fresh air". We walked a little in silence until he started blabbering about something.

I wasn't paying attention to anything he was saying all I heard was him talking very loudly right next to me. He was getting on my nerves being so clingy and close. He always winks at me or tries his best to be close to me all the time. It's kind of weird.

"CAN YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE FOR GOD'S SAKE!" I yelled at the tops of my lungs. Noya stopped in his tracks and just looked at me. His eyes looked as if he was about to cry.

We just stared at each other for a moment before he walked away silently. I felt bad, I didn't mean to blow up at him, it just kind of happened.

I mean he kept bothering me but I probably would have said it nicer. I should go apologize though because he looked really upset.

I walked back to see that the boys had started practice again but I couldn't see Noya anywhere. I walked up to Kiyoko who was writing something down on her clipboard. "Hey, where's Noya? I need to ask him something" I said, concerned a little as to where he went.

"Oh are you gonna confess your feelings too" she laughed "I mean glad to see that you tell that he has a little crush on you," she said looking at me.

"That's not what I was talking about, but why do you keep saying that he has a crush on me. I mean I've only known him for like 2 days". I said folding my arms.

She looked at me and motioned me to sit on the bench with her. "Well first off he keeps winking at you and trying his best to have reasons to talk to you or be with you." she stopped. "And well you should really pay attention to his eyes when he sees you. They light up".

Nishinoya's Little Love {nishinoya x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now