Movie Theater

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"You may kiss the bride," the guy said. I and Noya leaned in and were about to kiss. But then I was woken up.

I felt the semi-small lean but muscular figure of Noya on top of me. "What the hell are you doing here Noya?" I asked, rubbing my eyes and pushing him to the side of my bed off of me.

I was only in a t-shirt and underwear and even though he had seen me completely naked I still used the blanket to cover my body. Noya laughed and crawled off of my bed.

"Your parents let me in (y/n)" he said now sitting on the edge of my bed looking around my room. I was slightly embarrassed because my room was a mess, my hair was a mess, and I could tell that I had eye bags from lack of sleep.

"Well that doesn't answer my question," I said, nudging his arm. He laughed and jumped back on top of me pinning my arms by my head.

My eyes widened and I was taken aback by this interaction. "Noya my parents are home," I said, a little nervous about what he was doing. He smirked at what I implied "what do you mean (y/n) I'm not doing anything. No need to have such a dirty mind" he said.

He knew damn well what he was doing and so did I.

Noya got off of me and stood up next to my bed. "The team is going to the movies and said that you and Kiyoko could come so be ready by 5 pm," he said, still smiling at my reaction to him pinning me down.

I sat up and put on the hoodie that was laying at the end of my bed. "What time is it right now then?" I asked to get out of bed.

"It's around 2 pm why?" he answered. "WHAT," I said, very surprised. I usually don't sleep in that late but these past few days I've just been so sore and tired.

Noya laughed and crossed his arms. "You look good in hoodies but you'd look better in mine". I rolled my eyes sarcastically and walked over to him ruffling his hair.

"HEY," he said as I messed up his hair. I broke out in laughter as he frantically walked over to the mirror in my room and examined the aftermath of me messing up his hair.

"You're lucky I like (y/n)" he said, giving me a devilish grin. I knew by that look that if we were home alone I would get my shit destroyed and I wish that we were.

Noya waited in my room while I showered and got ready. I wore something casual as did he and when I walked back into my room he was sound asleep on my bed with my hoodie wrapped in his hands, his face nestled into it.

Well well look who's the sleepy one now I thought looking at him sound asleep like a baby. I'd admired him for a moment and then I pushed him off my bed. I laughed at him looking confused and he started laughing at my laughter.

We walked downstairs and said our goodbyes to my parents who were watching something on the tv. On our walk, he put his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to him. And no matter where we walked he would never let me walk by the street which was something I noticed that made me love him even more.

"What movie are we watching?" I asked as we neared the movie theater. "I think it's a comedy or maybe it's a horror," he said trying to think of what it was that we were going to go see.

"You know that those are two totally opposite things right?" I said chuckling a little at what he said. He ruffled my hair and took off running to the theater that was only about a block away.

"That was pay back" he yelled as he was running. I started running after him but there was no way that I would be able to catch up with him. I mean he's supposed to be fast, he's a libero.

Nishinoya's Little Love {nishinoya x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now