His House

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It was Tuesday morning and I was walking down the hallway with my headphones in listening to my favorite song. I was on my way to my first period which was science. I did pretty well in that class surprisingly but I still dreaded going.

While I was walking I thought I heard someone yell my name but I assumed that I was just delirious because I was still half asleep. Then people walking down the hallways all started staring at me.

I thought that maybe I spilled something on myself so I looked down at my clothes and saw everything fine. Why are people staring?

I took out a headphone and I could hear someone running up behind me. Then I could hear my name being called. It was Noya. I turned around just in time to see him mid-jump in the air over my head.

Seconds later we were both on the ground with his books covering the hallway floor and mine too. "OH MY GOD (Y/N) I'M SORRY," Noya said as he frantically helped me up and dusted me off.

Instead of being angry or embarrassed, I caught myself laughing at his reaction to us both falling. People stopped and started but I didn't care because Noya kept making me laugh. Every time he picked up one of my books or paper and handed it to me, he would apologize.

"It's ok Noya, it was funny" I laughed as he ran around the hallway getting his stuff. "I didn't mean to know you over" he nervously laughed, rubbing the back of his head.

"Nah it's all good silly," I said, giving him a reassuring smile. "So why'd ya come and see me?" I asked as we started walking down the hallway. "Well why wouldn't I want to come to see my future girlfriend," he said putting his arm around me.

Him doing that made me blush a little and I could feel that it was visibly showing. I let out a loud laugh and said "Hmm we'll see about it". I didn't bother to move his arm because in all honestly, I liked it.

He moved his arm off of my shoulders and walked in front of causing me to stop. He placed both of his hands on either side of my shoulders holding me still. Some teachers walked by giving us dirty looks but he didn't seem to care.

"Um, Noya what are you doing" I let out a little nervous laugh. "Ok, I want you to come over to my house on Friday after practice so we can hang out," he said looking straight into my eyes.

I thought about it for a moment even though I knew the answer that I was going to give. Yes, of course, I was going to say yes, but I wanted him to think that I was going to say no just to mess with him a little bit.

"Oh come on (y/n), it'll be fun," he said. I put my hands on his shoulder now and said "I'd love to come hang out with you on Friday". His eyes lit up and pulled me into a very tight embrace.

The first bell rang and he was still holding on to me. "Um, Noya that was the first bell we are going to be late if you don't let go". He still held on not budging. "Noya?" I said trying to pull away. "Uh oh yeah sorry," he said and then started to run off down the hallway. "Friday (y/n)" he said running backward.

In the first period, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier that morning. I thought about the words he said earlier, the ones about me being his future girlfriend. Hearing him say that made my heart flutter and it made me happy to hear him say that.

I've never 'caught feelings' for someone before but if I had to take a guess about what it felt like, I would say that whatever I felt about Noya was the closest thing to it.

The week went by fairly slowly and was overall pretty boring besides going to practice and seeing all the boys and Kiyoko, especially Noya.

After every practice Noya would come up and talk to me for a long time. We would talk for so long about random stuff that Daichi would have to kick us out of the gym.

Nishinoya's Little Love {nishinoya x fem reader}Where stories live. Discover now