3. Diagon Alley *

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"This is the best thing that could have happened, any longer and I wouldn't have made it. It's not a war, no, it's not a rapture, I'm just a person, but you can't take it" ~Ignorance, Paramore

"All students must be equipped with..." I begin to read through our equipment list, as Harry, Hagrid and I walk through the busy streets of London.

I've never been to London before, and it is amazing to see how different it is compared to the streets of Surrey.

"...one standard size pewter cauldron...and may bring, if they desire, either an owl, a cat or a toad." I finish.

"Can we find all this in London?" Harry questions Hagrid.

"If you know where to look," Hagrid grins back.

We reach a small, run-down looking pub, that looks as if it doesn't belong in the grubby street. It looks as if no-one knows it's actually there--then again, that could be true.

Hagrid opens the door for us, and we enter; the pub is dimly lit, filled with men and women wearing cloaks. The room is filled with joyful chatter.

"Ah, Hagrid! The usual, I presume?" A man behind the bar asks.

"No thanks, Tom. I'm on official Hogwarts business," Hagrid declines, "just helping young Harry and Haylee here buy their school supplies." He adds, patting me on the back.

"Bless my soul. It's Harry and Haylee Potter!" The barman exclaims, making the entire pub go silent. I look anxiously at Harry, as every single head turns to us.

"Welcome back, Mr. and Miss Potter. Welcome back." A man says, as he enthusiastically shakes my hand, and then Harry's. We turn away from him, only to be confronted by an oddly dressed woman.

"Doris Crockford. I can't believe I'm meeting you two at last." she shakes our hands, and we continue.

"Harry and H-Haylee P-Potter. Can't tell you how pleased I am to meet you." A man, wearing a purple turban, stutters.

"Hello, professor. I didn't see you there," Hagrid greets him cheerfully. "Harry, Haylee, this is Professor Quirrel, he'll be your Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts."

"Oh, nice to meet you," I say softly as I outstretch my hand to him.

"F-Fearfully fascinating subject." He stutters again, completely ignoring my outstretched hand."Not that you need it, eh, Potters?" He laughs nervously.

"Yes, well, must be going now. Lots to buy." Hagrid chuckles slightly.

"Goodbye," Harry says.

I give Quirrell a small wave, before Hagrid leads out a large door, into a small, stone courtyard.

"See, Haylee, Harry? You're famous." Hagrid tells us.

"Buy why are we famous, Hagrid?" I question him, sick of the confusion.

"All those people back there, how is it they know who we are?" Harry adds.

"I'm not sure I'm the right person to tell you that," Hagrid says, before tapping several different bricks with the tip of his pink umbrella.

The bricks instantly begin to move backwards and forwards, until they create an open path, into a bustling alley.

"Welcome, to Diagon Alley," Hagrid says proudly, as both Harry and I stare in awe at the magnificent alley that is now before us.

We begin to walk forward, into the busy alley, I'm trying to soak in every detail, every shop sign, every witch and wizard. It's like nothing I have ever seen before. Hagrid is happily explaining the many different shops to us, and I am hanging onto his every word.

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