13. Won't Be Home For Christmas *

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"I'm growing tired of all this Christmas cheer" ~ Won't Be Home For Christmas, Blink 182

"Harry! Haylee! Wake up! Come on, guys! Wake up!" I hear Ron shouting.

I groan and roll over in my bed. I sit up and look around my empty dormitory.

Why does Ron need us?

"It's Christmas." I then mumble to myself.

Remembering the holiday, I run from the dormitory into the common room, at the same time as Harry.

"Happy Christmas," Ron says cheerfully.

"Happy Christmas, Ron." We reply in unison.

"What are you wearing?" I then question, eyeing off the maroon coloured sweater that Ron has on over his pyjamas. It has a large R stitched into the front.

"Oh, my mum made it. Looks like you've both gotten one two." Ron smiles.

"We've got presents?" We ask, in unison again.

"Yeah," Ron says knowingly and excitedly.

Harry and I smile widely at each other before bounding down to Ron.

"There they are." Ron points to a couple nicely wrapped presents.

First, we unwrap the presents from Mrs Weasley, and as Ron predicted, she has sent us handmade sweaters along with some homemade fudge.

Mine is light green with a blue H stitched on the front, and Harry's is the same. I pull it over my pyjamas and we continue unwrapping our gifts.

Hagrid has sent us both small wooden flutes, that appear as if he made then himself, and the Dursleys sent us a fifty cent coin to share between the two of us.

We willingly give the coin to Ron, who is astonished and amazed by the Muggle money.

Harry grabs one last final present and places it in front of us.

Who else would have sent us presents?

I pick up the small note it the front and read it aloud;

"Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to the two of you. It should cover you both, even as you grow.

Use it well

A very merry Christmas to you"

I look to Harry and Ron they both shrug. I unwrap the present and pull out a large, silk cloak.

"What is it?" Ron asks.

"Some kind of cloak," Harry replies as he holds it in front of us.

"Well, let's see then. It's supposed to cover you both, so put it on." Ron says, eating from a pack of Every Flavour Beans.

Harry throws the cloak over both of our shoulders, and as the letter said, it fits around both of us perfectly.

"Whoa!" Ron exclaims, putting the Jelly Bean package down.

If Ron put his food down, this must be pretty amazing.

I look down to see what he's fussing about, and I gasp when I notice it.

Our entire lower bodies are completely gone.

"Our bodies are gone!" Harry cries.

"I know what that is. That's an invisibility cloak!" Ron tells us.

"We're invisible?"

"They're really rare. I wonder who gave it to you." Ron says curiously.

"There was no name," Harry tells him.

"it just said, 'Use it well'," I add


I'm sorry! These last couple chapters have been really short!

*this chapter has been edited* 

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