1. Duddy's Birthday *

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"Just think of the future, and think of your dreams, you'll get away from here, you'll get away eventually"~Paramore, Future

Haylee's p.o.v

"Up! Get up! Now!" Aunt Petunia's shrill voice screeches. I sit up and yawn. My twin brother, Harry does the same as we exchange a tired look

"Up!" She screams again before we hear her storm back into the kitchen, placing the frying pan down loudly onto the stove. I smile to myself as I remember the dream I had last night, I was riding a flying motorbike, a dream I think I've had before.

"Are you up yet?" Aunt Petunia demands

"Nearly." Harry and I call back in unison

"Well, get a move on, I want you to look after the bacon. And don't either of you dare burn it, I want everything perfect on Duddy's birthday."

Dudley is our older, and very idiotic cousin. He is also remarkably spoilt and adored by our Aunt and Uncle.

Harry groans as he slips his circular glasses on.

"What did you say?" Our Aunt snaps through the cupboard door.

"Nothing, nothing." Harry mumbles as we both change.

We then walk down the hall into the kitchen. The dining table, that is usually spotless, is almost completely invisible, hidden beneath Dudley's mountain of birthday presents. Harry and I begin frying the bacon, keeping Aunt Petunia's warning in mind.

Dudley finally comes into the kitchen and goes straight to his stack of presents. Harry puts the bacon down as Dudley turns to Uncle Vernon.

"How many are there?" Dudley asks.

"37, counted them myself." Uncle Vernon replies proudly.

"37! But last year I had 38!" Dudley explodes in anger.

"Oh, but some of these presents are bigger than last year." Aunt Petunia says calmly.

"Size doesn't matter!" Dudley retorts angrily, as he glares at his parents.

"How about, when we go out, we'll get you two more presents, how's that sound pumpkin?" Petunia asks.

"Alright then," Dudley says as he sits himself down, grabbing the nearest present and tearing it open angrily.

After Dudley had finished opening his gifts, we all go outside to the car. Every year, our aunt and uncle take Dudley out somewhere special, this year, it's the zoo. Aunt Petunia and Dudley both enter the car, and before Harry and I can, Uncle Vernon stops us

"I'm warning you two, any funny business, anything at all - and you'll both be in that cupboard from now to Christmas." He threatens venomously.

That's the strange thing about Harry and me, odd and unexplainable things often occurred around us.

"We're not going to do anything," Harry tells him

"Honestly," I add, but of course, he doesn't believe us, no one ever does.

We both enter the car and Uncle Venom begins driving, loudly complaining to Aunt Petunia about all sorts of things. We soon reach the zoo and we all exit the car and walk inside.

After wandering around the zoo aimlessly for hours, Dudley decided he wanted to visit the Reptile house. We all enter the area, and much to my relief, it was dark, which gives us shelter front the hot sun.

Dudley soon finds the largest snake in the zoo, and is now gawking at the snake; who, much to his displeasure, isn't moving.

"Make it move!" Dudley whines to his father. Uncle Venom, persistent to keep Dudley happy, begins to tap on the glass, but the snake continues sleeping, ignoring the Dursley's tireless attempts at waking him.

"This is boring." Dudley huffs as he storms away with Uncle Venom on his heels. Harry and I both move over, so we are in front of the snake's enclosure.

The snakes' eyes slowly begin to open, and he slowly looks up, meeting his eyes with ours. He then jerks his head, slightly to the side. I look back to see that he was motioning at Dudley and Uncle Venom.

"Sorry about them, it must be really annoying." Harry murmurs through the glass, I laugh at Harry quietly.

The snake then starts to nod his head vigorously.

"Where did you come from anyway?" I ask, astonished by the fact that this snake can understand us. He simply points his head to the sign beside the enclosure;

Boa Constrictor, Brazil

"Was it nice there?" Harry asks, curiously. The snake points at the sign with his head again;

This specimen was bred in zoo

"Oh, so you've never been to Brazil?" Harry asks, and the snake replies with a nod.

"That's the same with us, we never knew our parents either," I say solemnly as I shift my glance to my run-down converse shoes.

"MUMMY, DADDY, YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT THIS SNAKE IS DOING!" Dudley's voice yells, as he pushes Harry and me aside, shoving us to the ground. I glare at my dim-witted cousin as he presses his face against the glass.

Suddenly, Dudley falls forward, with a yell of distress. The boa constrictor slowly slithers from his enclosure, onto the zoo floor.

"Thanks." He hisses to Harry and I, before slithering into the distressed zoo crowd.

Both Harry and I quickly shift our glances back to the enclosure, which Dudley is now inside; he stands up slowly and walks forwards, preparing to exit the cramped enclosure.

But, somehow, the glass that disappeared, has reappeared, trapping Dudley inside.

Aunt Petunia runs to the glass, loud screeches and cries escaping her lips as she bangs frantically on the glass. I laugh quietly at both Dudley and Aunt Petunia's distress, both Harry and I still on the ground.

Uncle Vernon's vicious gaze shoots to Harry and me, his face goes red as he storms to us, grabbing us by the collars of our shirts. He drags us into the car, slamming the door on us. Aunt Petunia and Dudley (who is covered in blankets) walks briskly out and enter the car.

Uncle Vernon slams the accelerator down and speeds away from the zoo. We soon arrive back at the house, and we all enter. Before either Harry or I can make it back into our cupboard, Uncle Vernon grabs us both and pushes us against the cupboard door.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" He bellows, his face red again.

"Nothing, nothing, we were just standing there and the glass disappeared, like-like..." Harry tries to explain, but he trails off.

"It was like magic." I finish for him. Uncle Vernon's face goes an even deeper red, and his left eye begins to twitch.

"THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MAGIC!" He screams at us as he opens the cupboard door, pushes us in and slams it on us.

"You'll stay in here, no meals." He tells us, somewhat calmer, before his heavy footsteps signal his departure.

I look over to Harry, both of us holding confused expressions. I sit down on my bed, catching a glance at Here's scar on his forehead, shaped like a lightning scar.

A scar we have both had for as long as either of us can remember.

I lay my head down on my lumpy pillow, hoping to fall asleep, but silently praying I don't dream of the mysterious green flash of light, that regularly haunts my dreams.


Hey, thanks again for reading. The next chapter should hopefully be up sometime this week.

I'd really love to hear your thoughts on my story, so please comment and vote ((:

*this chapter has been edited*


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