Epilogue: Our Home *

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-  William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night 

Slowly, our trunks are loaded onto the Hogwarts Express and Hagrid is ushering us all into the train.

"Come on, then," Hermione says as I catch sight of Hagrid waving to us.

"One minute," I tell her as Harry and I rush over to Hagrid.

"Thought you were leaving without saying goodbye, did you?" He smiles as we hug him tightly.

"This is for the two of you." He then says, handing us a large photo album.

I open it to the first page, to see a heart warming picture of Harry and me as babies with our parents.

In the picture, dad is holding Harry and mum is holding me, and we all look happy. Smiling and laughing carelessly.

"Thanks, Hagrid." we say in unison before hugging him again.

"Go on. On with you two. Oh, and listen, Haylee and Harry. If that dolt of a cousin of yours, Dudley, gives you any grief you could always threaten him with a nice page of ears to go with his tail." Hagrid grins.

"But Hagrid, we're allowed to so magic away from Hogwarts," Harry smiles.

"You know that."

"I do. But your cousin don't do he?" Hagrid chuckles in response.

We smile at him once more before joining Mione and Ron on the train.

"Feels strange to be going home, doesn't it?" She says thoughtfully, staring at the castle through the window.

"We're not going home," I say

"Not really," Harry adds

Because Hogwarts will always be our true home.


Okay! I'm done with book 1!

I just want to thank each and every one of you that has read this story, it seriously means the world to me.

The Preface for The Chamber of Secrets should be up very soon!

In book 2 the whole thing about Haylee having a dark personality will come into play and you'll get more of an idea about why Haylee saw what she saw in the Mirror of Erised.

Thank you all again! I'll see you soon in Preface for The Chamber of Secrets.

It's titled Seclusion.

Expect a slight delay in the second book, by the way

Please remember to vote/comment/follow!

Also, this book is now completely edited! But if anyone of you should happen to find an obvious typo within this book that I may have missed, I would really appreciate it if you could either comment politely or message me about it :) thanks.



aka Sarah :)

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