Preface: The Twins That Lived *

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- William Shakespeare, The Twelfth Night

31 October 1981

Lily and James Potter sat in their small - but graciously cosy - home in Godric's Hollow.

James was sat on the ground with their children; Harry and Haylee.

The babies were both giggling and smiling happily, as their father tickled them relentlessly.

Lily, who was busy cleaning up toys that Harry and Haylee had left behind, instantly looked up at the sound of the twins high-pitched laughs.

It was something that she had learned to cherish dearly, as she knew that it could all be taken away at any moment. Considering the horrid problem the Potter family were facing; concerning Harry, Haylee and a prophecy.

Quickly brushing such thoughts away, Lily smiled contently at the sight of James and the twins.

The three things she loved most.

Lily watched her children carefully, taking in every aspect of them.

They both had the same jet black hair, inherited from their father, and they both had the same bright, twinkling eyes, that Lily had given them.

Many people mistook Harry and Haylee for identical twins of the same gender, considering how amazingly similar they looked.

Still smiling to herself, Lily walked to her husband's side and kneeled down by him.

"They're perfect, James, aren't they?" She whispered.

"Indeed they are," James replied, leaning over to kiss his wife's cheek.

"Come on then," Lily said, getting to her feet once again. "It's time they went to sleep."

"Aw, but Lil, we're having so much fun," James whined, looking up at Lily with pleading eyes.

"There's always tomorrow, James." She replied. "And I'm sure that Harry and Haylee won't mind waiting until then," Lily added, picking a yawning Haylee up from the ground.

James followed her lead and took Harry in his arms.

He followed Lily upstairs to the nursery, to see Haylee already in the cot.

The twins were always close, from the moment they were old enough to play with other.

So close, in fact, they sleep in the same cot.

They slept better beside each other, so Lily and James invested in a wider cot for them.

James carefully placed Harry in the cot beside his sister and smiled at the sight of them yawning widely.

"Sleep well, my sweethearts," Lily whispered, staring at the two sets of bright green eyes.

"Goodnight, my little prince and princess." James then said, giving both of his children a kiss upon the forehead.

The serene moment was broken, as they heard their gate creaking open.

With the wards up around their house, only a select few were allowed inside the house.

And of course, James knew exactly who it was. Who else could it have been?

"Must be Padfoot," He said, before bounding back down the stairs to greet his best friend.

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