6. Potion Masters and Vault Break Ins *

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"I wanna live a life with a new perspective" ~

New Perspective, Panic! At The Disco

"There, look."


"Next to the tall kid with the red hair."

"Wearing the glasses?"

"And the girl with the long black hair?"

"Did you see their faces?"

"Did you see their scars?"

Whispers seem to follow Harry and wherever we go; ago every corridor there's always someone trying to get a look at us.

It makes getting to class difficult, as there's 142 staircases in Hogwarts, and the entire school is trying to get a glimpse of us.

"Quickly!" I shout to Harry and Ron as we sprint through the corridors.

We're late for Transfiguration and - as usual - we're finding it hard navigating our way through the castle.

We finally reach the classroom and we burst through the doors. Everybody is already seated, but Professor McGonagall is nowhere to be seen. At her desk is a small black cat, looking curiously at us.

That's brilliant, she'll never even know we we're late.

"Made it!" Ron puffs. "Can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?"

With that, the small black cat leaps from the desk and transforms into McGonagall, making my jaw drop completely.

"That was bloody brilliant!" Ron exclaims.

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr Weasley," she said curtly. "Perhaps it would better if I transfigured Mr. and Miss Potter and yourself into watches. That way one of you might be on time."

"We got lost," I say, trying to act as innocent as possible.

"Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats?" McGonagall retorts.

I shake my head and walk quietly to my seat beside Hermione. She sends me a disappointed stare, which quickly turns into a grin.


After transfiguration all four of us headed down into the cold, dark dungeons for potions class.

I sit in between Harry and Hermione, and Ron sits on the other side of Hermione.

The class is filled with quiet murmurs and laughter, but all that stops when Professor Snape -the hook-nosed, greasy haired potions master - bursts through the doors.

I don't like him already...

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few who possess the predisposition...I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensure the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death." Snape says slowly and broodingly, almost putting me to sleep.

Beside me, I can hear the sound of a quill scratching against a piece of paper. I glance over to see Harry taking notes.

"Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention," Snape says, staring directly at Harry and me.

I nudge Harry, drawing his attention away from his notes.

"Mr and Miss Potter. Our new celebrities." Snape says. "Tell me, what would I get if I added root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" He shot at us. Hermione's hand shoots up instantly, but all I can do is stare blankly at Snape.

Powdered asphodel? Wormwood?

"You don't know? Let's try again." Snape mocks us. "Where might you look if I asked you to find a bezoar?"

Again, Hermione is almost jumping out of her seat on excitement.

"I don't know, sir." Harry and I mumble in unison.

"And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

"We don't know, sir," Harry says, shooting daggers at Snape.

"Pity," Snape scolds, "so it seems fame isn't everything."


"Eye of rabbit, harp string him. Turn this water rum," Seamus says, pointing his wand at his goblet of water. We are all sat around him at the table in the Great Hall.

When the spell doesn't work, Seamus repeats it.

"What's Seamus trying to do to that glass I water?" Harry asks.

"Turn it to rum," I scoff.

"He actually managed a weak tea yesterday, before..."

Ron is cut off by a small explosion caused by Seamus; which singes his eyebrows and hair.

"Ah! Mails here." Ron then says happily as several owls fly into the hall.

Letters and packages are being dropped down onto students, and almost everybody receives something from their families.

Except Harry and I, but that's fine, I guess...

I watch as Neville pulls out a small clear ball from a package;

"Look, Neville's got a Remembrall," Dean says, answering my questions.

"I've read about those," Hermione speaks up, "the smoke turns red when you've forgotten something."

The smoke inside the Remembrall instantly turns red.

"The problem is, I can't remember what I've forgotten," Neville says exasperatedly.

"Hey Ron, Hayles. Somebody broke into Gringotts," Harry says suddenly, reading from a wizarding newspaper. "Listen"

I lean over his shoulder as he begins reading aloud;

"Believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unknown. Gringotts goblins acknowledge the breach but insist nothing was taken. The vault in question, number 713, had been emptied earlier that same day"

"That's odd," I say, "that's the vault you, me and Hagrid went to."

The four of us exchange a suspicious glance, and my mind begins over filling with possible scenarios.


Whoa, two updates in one day, that's a first for me.

Thank you all for reading, the next update should be soon.

*this chapter has been edited*

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