16. Norbert the Baby Dragon *

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"Wake me up, say enough is enough" ~ Something's Gotta Give, All Time Low

Later that night we decided that we need to confront Hagrid about the Philosopher's Stone.

We knock on the door of his hut and he opens the door, looking a little flustered.


"Oh, hello. Don't wish to be rude, but I'm in no state to entertain." He says quickly and goes to close the door on us.

"We know about the Philosopher's Stone." We all say in unison, making him reopen the door.

"Oh." He says as he lets us inside.

"We think Snape's trying to steal it," Harry explains as we remove our cloaks.

"Are you still on about him?" Hagrid asks.

"Well, he did try to kill us both," I say brightly.

Everyone ignores me.

"Hagrid, we know he's after it. We just don't know why." Harry says.

"Snape is one of the teachers protecting the Stone. He's not about to steal it." He replies sternly.


"You heard," Hagrid says. "Right, come on now, I'm a bit preoccupied today."

"Wait a minute," Harry says "one of the teachers?"

"Of course!" I speak up. "There are other things defending the Stone, aren't there? Spells, enchantments."

"Right," Hagrid says. "Waste of bloody time, if you ask me. Ain't nothing gonna get last Fluffy. Ain't a soul who knows how, except for me and Dumbledore."

And he's done it again.

"I shouldn't have told you that. I should not have told you that."

Any further discussion regarding the topic is destroyed when we begin to hear a loud tapping noise coming from Hagrid's cooking pot.

Hagrid reaches into the pot and pulls out a large, hot egg, which he juggles over to the table.

We all crowd around it in wonder and curiosity.

"What exactly is that?" Harry asks.

"That? It's..."

"I know what that is!" Ron cuts him off. "But Hagrid, however, did you get one?"

"I won it. Off a stranger, I met down at the pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid of it, a matter of fact." Hagrid explains as the egg begins moving.

We all back away slightly, just before the egg bursts open, sending shards of broken shell everywhere.

A small winged creature emerges and Hagrid sighs happily.

"Is that...a dragon?" Hermione questions.

"That's not just a dragon," Ron says, "that's a Norwegian Ridgeback! My brother Charlie works with these in Romania."

"Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid cries, as the baby dragon turns to him. "Oh, bless him. Look, he knows his mummy. Hello, Norbert." He says he gently pats 'Norbert' behind the ear.


"Well he's gotta have a name, don't he?" Hagrid says. "Don't you, Norbert?"

Hagrid tickles Norbert, which causes him to sneeze fire - literal fire - which makes Hagrid's bushy beard catch alight. He frantically pats the fire out while we stare wide-eyed at him.

"Yes, Norbert is a brilliant name for a dragon, Hagrid," I say, earning a laugh from Hermione.

"Who's that?" Hagrid suddenly says. We follow his gaze to the window, where none other than the bleach blonde prat Draco Malfoy is standing.

He bolts as soon as he notices us staring.

"Malfoy," Harry says venomously.

"Oh, dear." Hagrid mutters.

The four of us hurry back into the castle at Hagrid's request.

"Hagrid's always wanted a dragon. He told Harry and I the first time we ever met him." I tell Hermione and Ron.

"It's crazy," Ron says. "And worse, Malfoy knows."

"I don't understand. Is that bad?" Harry asks.

"It's bad." I gulp, as I notice McGonagall standing before us, looking very angry.

"Good evening." She says curtly, as Malfoy appears at her side.

She leads us into her office and I prepare myself for a lecture.

"Nothing, I repeat, nothing, gives a student the right to walk around the school at night. Therefore, as punishment for your actions, fifty points will be taken from Gryffindor."

"Fifty?" I exclaim as Malfoy laughs under his breath.

"Each." She snaps. "And to ensure to doesn't happen again, all five of you will receive detention."

"Excuse me, professor." Malfoy says politely as he steps forward. "Perhaps I heard you wrong, I thought you said all five of us?"

"No, you heard me correctly, Mr Malfoy. You see, as honourable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours. You will join your classmates in detention."

That's what you get, Malfoy.


I've actually finished writing this story, but I just need to publish the rest of it.

So you guys think I should publish the rest all at once and get it over with, or gradually publish it? (like two or three chapters a day)

Please vote/comment/follow.

You'd make me so happy if you did

*this chapter has been edited* 

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