9. The Basics of Quidditch *

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"Dedication takes a lifetime but dreams only last for the night" ~ Stay Awake (Dreams Only Last a Night), All Time Low

"Quidditch is easy enough to understand," Oliver tells us as he, Harry and I walk out into the school grounds. "Each team has seven players. Three Chasers - that's you, Haylee - two Beaters, one Keeper and a Seeker. That's you, Harry." He explains.

He then kneels down and opens the wooden chest we carried out with us. Inside are three balls and a Hogwarts Crest.

"There are three kinds of balls," he says as he pulls out the biggest ball, which is a dark red colour. "This one's called the Quaffle." He throws the Quaffle at me and I catch it easily.

It is much lighter than I expected and is about the size of a basketball.

"The Chasers-" Oliver pauses to point at me, "-handle the Quaffle and try to out it through one of those three hoops. The Keeper, that's me, defends the hoops. With me so far?"

"I think so," Harry says as I pass the Quaffle back to Oliver.

"What are those?" I ask, pointing to the two small black balls that seem to be trying to escape the box.

Oliver kneels back down and places the Quaffle back in the chest.

"You better take these." He says passing both Harry and me small bats. He then releases one of the small black balls and it shoots into the air.

"Careful now, it's coming back," Wood tells us. The black returns to us and Harry whacks it away using the bat.

"Not bad, Potter. You'd make a fair Beater." Wood compliments as the ball shoots in the opposite direction.

The ball begins zooming back and Oliver's smile falls.


The ball zooms down and hits him square in the stomach.


He falls to the ground and looks as if he's wrestling the ball. After a short while, he manages to return the ball to its place in the chest and he returns to his feet.

"What was that?" I ask him.

"Bludger. Nasty little buggers." Oliver smiles slightly before looking to Harry.

"But you are a Seeker." He says as he opens up the small Hogwarts Crest. Inside is a small golden ball.

"The only think I want you to worry about is this," Oliver says as he holds the small golden ball in front of Harry's face. "The Golden Snitch."

Harry takes the Snitch and admires it.

"I like this ball." He laughs.

"You like it now," Oliver grins, "just wait, it's wicked fast and damn near impossible to see"

"What does he do with it?" I question.

"You catch it. Before the other team's Seeker. You catch this, the game's over. You catch this, Potter, and we win."

Small, thin, silvery wings shoot out from the Snitch's side and it flies into the air. The wings flutter so quickly that you can hardly see them. And it moves around at such a speed, it looks almost impossible to catch.

I'm sure as hell happy that the only ball I have to deal with is as big as my head.



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*this chapter has been edited*

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