5. The Sorting Ceremony *

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"You have always worn your flaws upon your sleeve, and I have always buried them deep beneath the ground. Dig them up, let's finish what we started, dig them up, so nothing's left unturned "~ Flaws, Bastille

Ron, Harry and have all changed into our robes - as Hermione told us - and the train is finally coming to a halt. The doors begin opening, and the three of us walk onto the stone pavement.

"Right then. First years, this way, please!" Hagrid shouts as he walks down towards us. "Come on, first years, don't be shy. Come on, now, hurry up."

We walk to Hagrid, and he breaks into a smile.

"Hello, Harry and Haylee." He greets us.

"Hi, Hagrid," Harry says as Ron catches sight of Hagrid.

"Whoa!" He exclaims, looking Hagrid up and down.

"Right then. This way to the boats. Come on now, follow me."

We begin following Hagrid, along with all the other first years. We soon come to the edge of a great black lake. Across the lake, I can see a beautiful castle, complete with turrets and towers.

This must be Hogwarts.

"No more than four to a boat," Hagrid tells us, pointing to a fleet of small boats at the shore.

Harry, Ron and I sit in a boat with Hermione, and the boats begin rowing themselves across the lake!

The closer and closer we get to the castle, the more and more excited I get. This is where we'll be spending most of our time at, for the next seven years.

It's unbelievable, like something out of one of my dreams.

We soon reach the shore, and we're led up a few flights of stairs. We reach the final staircase to see a Lady standing at the end, in front of a large door. The lady - that I assume is a witch - is wearing emerald green robes, and looks very stern.

"Welcome to Hogwarts." she says, "now, in a few minutes you'll pass through these doors and join your classmates. But before you take your seats, you must be sorted into your houses."

Sorted? I don't recall Hagrid ever telling us this...

"They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Now, while you're here, your house will be like your family. Your triumphs will earn you points. Any rule breaking and you will lose points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points wins the house cup-"

"Trevor!" A boy suddenly shouts, interrupting the witch. He runs forward and grabs a toad that was at the witches feet.

"Sorry," he says, returning to his place.

"The Sorting Ceremony will begin momentarily." She says, before walking away.

"It's true then, what they're saying on the train." a boy from behind is says. We all glance back at him. He has platinum blonde hair, that is sleeked back, and pale skin.

"The Potter Twins have come to Hogwarts." the boy finishes, making all the others around us begin murmuring excitedly.

"This is Crabbe and Goyal. And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." the boy - Draco - is now right in front of Harry, Ron and me.

I hear Ron snigger, and Draco's harsh stare shoots to him.

"Think my name's funny, do you? I've no need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley." Draco says to Ron. "You'll find some wizarding families are better than others, Potters. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort."

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