Loki a lost girl

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3rd person POV
Iron man and captain America arrived at the scene where Loki the god of mischief had held a crowd hostage. The captain had done his best holding him off but the god eventually surrendered when he saw Stark's blaster trained on him. "Make a move reindeer games" he teased as Loki put his hands in the air, "good move". Loki was grabbed by Rogers and taken to the jet but as he stood up he revealed a little girl with wild eyes hiding behind him. She was dressed in a pretty blue dress and had dirty blonde hair, her eyes were green like her fathers but had a shape like her Mother so she wasn't easily identified as his. Tony walked up to her and she backed up afraid of what he may do to her as she was Loki's daughter. "It's ok I won't hurt you" the robotic voice said making her even more wary of him. He noticed her panic at the sight of his suit and removed the mask showing his face, the girl didn't move. He moved towards her slowly as to not scare her away, this time she did not back away. He lifted her up and carried her after her father to the jet.

Tony POV
Once we were on the quint jet I passed the kid off to Natasha and she now sat comfortably on her lap playing with Nat's fingers. I smiled at how cute the scene was. Natasha looked at me slyly knowing I don't usually show the soft side of me. "Sweetie do you know where your parents are?" Nat asked kindly. She pointed at Loki. We all looked to him for an explanation. "She is my daughter her name as Aurora and she is a goddess and princess of Asgaurd so watch how you treat her!" he proudly proclaimed. "Don't worry we won't let anything happen to your daughter your majesty unlike you she is innocent of any crimes" I bowed to Loki sarcastically. "We'll keep you safe princess" Natasha cooed at the child who looked about 3 years old. Suddenly a lightning flashed through the sky and Loki became pale. "What's a matter scared of a little lightning?" Steve mocked "I'm not particularly fond of what comes next" the god answered. I opened the plane hatch and a man dressed in a cape and armor flew in he grabbed Loki by the throat pausing only when he saw Aurora. "Rora?" He raised his eyebrows questioningly. She easily slipped out of Nat's arms and tumbled towards the open hatch hands out stretched "uncle Thor!!! Take me home!!!" She wailed speaking the first words we'd heard from her since we found her. "Brother please" Loki pleaded with him. The man apparently called Thor turned to us and muttered "take care of her" before jumping out of the jet. We heard Loki's yelling fade behind us. Aurora ran after him tripping towards the door. Steve lunged out trying to grab her but it was too late. She tumbled out into the air. "DAMN IT!" I yelled putting on my mask and jumping out after her. I saw Steve follow shortly after heading towards the two gods. I looked around searching the air for her and finally spotted her screaming through the free fall. I flew over and grabbed her right before she hit the tops of the trees. She was crying in my arms "hey kid it's ok it's me" I comforted her. She began to struggle in my grip and I realized she didn't recognize me. I took off my mask and forced her to look at me "kid it's ok I got you remember me?". She nodded and clung tightly onto me as I flew us back to the jet. I stepped back in where Nat was waiting. She took the sobbing child from me "I think cap may need your help" she stated I nodded and was about to leave when I heard a tiny cry "Tony?!". I turned around to see Aurora with her arms outstretched towards me. "It's ok Tony will be right back promise munchkin" Natasha said holding her tighter so she didn't try to follow me. "I got her" Nat told me "ok, I'll be right back princess" I shouted bowing to her before her before I jumped out of the jet.

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