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Rora POV
It's been about a week since I came back from Asgard and I haven't been let out of anyone's sight. They're all afraid all go somewhere again even though I've told them I wouldn't dream of it after what happened. Finally I ended up locking myself in my room and turning up my music really loud so they couldn't listen at the door. Slowly I began forming magic with my hands and letting it spread across the room. It'd been so long since I had the chance to do this. I hadn't told anyone while I was on Asgard Frigga had come to visit a few times, and she had taught me magic. Not just illusions but other stuff, more useful powers. I conjured up a small window in my room and looked through it, the image wavering at first but then clearing up. A glass box like enclosure came into view. I looked through it and sighed "hello Loki" I mumbled.

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