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Banner POV
"STEVE!" He backed up a little from the sudden outburst. "Could you just" I let out a frustrated sigh. "Could you not stand so close please" "oh sure sorry Bruce I'm just super curious about the results" he paced back and forth which was actually more annoying than him leaning over my shoulder. Clenching my teeth together I tried to quickly finish analyzing everything. After I finished placed the iPad I had been using onto the table and leaned back in the chair. "Did you finish!" Steve exclaimed popping up from seemingly thin air. "Ahhhh" I screamed losing my balance and falling out of my chair. "Banner you ok?" I didn't answer so he just shrugged and went away tapping at the results.

Tony POV
Aurora was too cute being so excited to meet everyone. She was particularly fascinated with Pietro and how fast he could run. And he was acting just as childish running around with her on his back. "Hey speedster mind giving me my daughter back?" I laughed he stopped and pretended to hand her back to me before grabbing her back and speeding off again. "You didn't see that coming" he smirked as Rora squealed with joy from going so fast. He finally stopped when Wanda caught him with her magic "alright that's enough" I came into the room out of breathe from chasing them. "Now tell me what can you do little one?" Wanda inquired, Aurora looked down and began to fiddle with the hem of her shirt "I'm not allowed to use my abilities they're dangerous" She murmured into the floor. I can up behind her and scooped her up. "You can show them sweet heart go ahead show them what you can do" she cautiously held out her hands creating a galaxy of shooting stars around us. The illusion was so life like I wouldn't have known any better if I had just walked into the room. "That's amazing!!" Wanda smiled gazing at all the stars. "Can you do more?" With that question it suddenly occurred to me that I didn't know to what extent Rora could use her powers. There's a possibility she could be even more powerful than Loki himself considering we don't know who her mother was. A theory to test another day I thought to myself. She's been through enough for today. Coming back to reality I saw Rora was still conjuring illusions. This time it was a glorious beach, I swore I could smell the salt water. A roaring was heard from the distance and suddenly a huge wave appeared coming towards us. "Ahhhhhhhh" Rora screamed in my arms her fingers digging into my shoulder. "Rora! Baby! It's ok! just turn it off". It was like she couldn't hear me, her eyes were pressed shut and she continued crying. The wave hit scaring both me and the twins more than it should have. The illusion shut off straight after but Rora kept screaming. "NO! NO! NO!" She yelled as I tried to snap her out of it. Her breathing was heavy and her eyes remained closed. "Rora? Can you hear me?" I asked gently "no, no,no" she continued to repeat but this time more softly into my shoulder. I could still hear her whispering it over and over again. I looked over at the Maximoff twins seeing they shared my worry. I rushed out of the room to the lab with twins following closely behind.

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