Projecting your feelings

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Tony POV
I jolted awake to the sound of a little girl shrieking. I slid down the hallway in my socks calling my suit to me as I ran. This was not gonna happen again!! I burst through the door to see Rora with sweat on her forehead tossing and turning in bed. I looked around the room in shock as I saw a projection in the middle of the room. It was coming from Rora like a river of light it flowed into the scene in the room. It was Rora screaming in a bubble in which I assumed was the ocean. Suddenly the bubble burst and she began to choke and cough in the water. I realized it was her dream being projected into the room! We're all her dreams projected like this? She started screaming again I ran over to her trying to wake her up "Rora! Baby!It's just a dream wake up" She sat up with a start "d-dad? W-what are you doing here?". A look of genuine shock rested on her face. I sighed "Baby girl you were screaming and crying I heard you clear down the hall". "Oh no I had a nightmare I must've been doing it in my sleep" I sighed again and sat next to her."I'm sorry I woke you up" she whimpered into my arm as I hugged her. "It's ok sweetheart it's not your fault" I said gently rubbing her back. I settled in under the covers and prepared to stay with her until she fell asleep. Which took two hours, by the time she fell asleep I was halfway out myself and ended up sleeping in her room. Before I dozed off I thought about how I should probably call a child psychologist or something in the morning. Maybe Bruce would work? He has all those degrees for a reason right?

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