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Natasha POV
I watched Rora on the cams laying peacefully in her containment unit. At least that's what everyone else called it but being real it was a cell. A cell for a 7 year old who was kidnapped from her home only because she had powers she couldn't control. I hoped Fury wouldn't mention me on his call to Tony. He'd been through enough with me, once he knew shield was involved in kidnapping his daughter, much less that I was assigned the job. He'd never trust me again and he's not exactly plentiful in people he can trust right now.

Tony POV
I spent half the night running around the tower with Pepper in a panic. She had called the police when we couldn't find her in the house. And now I was out on the streets in the iron man suit with Happy being correspondence on the ground. We still had no sign of her. I was on the edge of an anxiety attack when I got a call from Fury. Normally I would've ignored it but the minute I saw it was him I knew he had something to do with Rora's disappearance. "Stark you can call off the helicopters we have your kid" was the first thing he said when I picked up the call. "GO TO HELL FURY!!!" I shouted "YOU BETTER GET READY CAUSE THE MINUTE I GET THERE IM GONNA-" he hung up. I called Pepper next "hey Pep Fury just called she's at shield" "why is she there?" "I don't know but I'm gonna find out! Meet happy and I there in 15 minutes".

—————-15 mins later
I burst into shield head quarters "where the hell is my daughter" I yelled across the whole lobby all the agents walking through stopped and stared at me. Just then Fury came calmly but briskly walking out of a side door, assumingly to the sound of my shouting "calm down Stark follow me". Natasha was right there following close behind him. She hung back "Tony I'm so sorry I swear I had nothing to do with-" "whatever I don't wanna hear it" I replied coldly. She sighed and sped up passing me to again stand next to Fury. We entered another room where I saw my little girl sitting cross legged on the floor of the cell they had put her in with her head leaning against the glass she was facing. "Aurora!!" I ran up to her "it's ok your ok" I tried to make her look at me but it was like she was blind. "Dad!!??" She cried searching for the source of my voice. "That's a two way mirror Stark" Fury interjected "she can't see you". Natasha pressed a button on the wall outside of the cell making the mirror effect go away. "Dad!!!" She screamed banging on the glass as soon as she saw me "I'm so sorry I don't know what happened I don't know why I'm here!! If it's because of what happened at school I'm sorry!!" she cried hitting her fists on the wall and sliding down to her knees "please take me home" she murmured softly. "It's not your fault kiddo! I promise we'll get you out of there" I turned to Fury and Natasha. Natasha had her head down and turned slightly away, I could tell she wasn't  comfortable with seeing Rora like this. Well it was too bad it was partly her fault for not doing anything. "What the hell is going on here? Why did you bring her here" I interrogated Fury, I surprised myself at how calm I sounded but still extremely threatening.

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