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———————-4 years later
Aurora POV
I'm on lock down in my room. Dad told Friday to notify him if I left. I hated this I hadn't done anything wrong!! A girl at school had shoved my friend off the play set making her cry, so I used my power to lift her up into the air. I didn't mean to drop her but the teacher came over and distracted me. She ended up breaking her arm. Everyone backed away from me, even my friend who I'd stood up for, as the teacher led me off the playground. All their thoughts were *shes dangerous*. Dad got seriously told off by the administration for knowingly enrolling a child with powers in the school. She told him I was expelled. On the way home he didn't speak to me, I knew I was supposed to keep my powers a secret at school but come on! When we got back Mom had a news story playing on the TV and to my horror it was me. "Tony someone was recording her!" she exclaimed when she saw us com in Dad looked at me "Rora go to your room" he said coldly. I obeyed and walked to my room. Man the media works quick.
Natasha POV
I snuck down the hallway of the tower trying to be as quiet as possible so as to not wake up it's occupance. I can't believe I'm doing this! I love Rora how could I do this to her. I cracked her door a little and peeked inside to see her sleeping soundly. The answer is I couldn't do this to her. "I can't I'm sorry Fury" I whispered to myself turning to leave before a familiar voice drew me back. "He knew you'd back out" Clint said crouching above her bed frame. "Clint no!" I shouted waking her up. Clint quickly grabbed her holding a rag over her face until her body relaxed. "Clint let her go" I warned my voice low but, just then I heard footsteps coming down the hall. Damn! We must've woken the others up. I turned back and Clint was gone with Rora. With no other option I quickly made my exit form building as well.

Tony POV
I heard noises coming from Aurora's room and I thought she was trying to sneak out. But when I got there I found her bed empty and the security camera's disabled. It didn't look like a normal runaway attempt. "PEPPER" I yelled walking back towards our room in the dark hallway my voice wavering slightly from worry.

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