Panic attack part 2

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Thank you so much for 200 reads!! That's amazing! I hope you all keep enjoying the story 😁

Aurora POV
Dad carried me into another room and placed me down into a cushioned office waiting room type chair. "Princess look at me" he said sternly but not unkindly. I couldn't gather my thoughts enough to look up I just sat in the chair breathing heavily. "Rora. look. At. Me." He said again more firmly, I raised my gaze to meet his. "Good now tell me three things you can see" "I can see you......I'm the floor?" "Yes" "and......the door". As I finished I began to feel a little less stressed, dad knew how it felt since he got them too. We had both started going to therapy for them together when I was and first found out I had ptsd. Everyone was happy because it finally made him work on those issues somehow. The therapist actually recommended the distract or comfort question and the distraction method. "Ok now three things you can hear" he went through all the senses until I began to calm down somewhat. "Ok?" He asked and I nodded. My cheeks glistened with tears. "He's back" I whispered "I know" dad nodded pulling me into a hug. "He's back and he made me remember" I sighed resting my head on his shoulder and wrapping my arms around him. "Wait what?" He was about to question but Morgan came running in.  She noticed my state and realized what happened. Growing up with two people who have them she's able to identify panic attacks pretty well. It's not something we're exactly proud of but she is super mature for her age and an extremely impressive kid. I mean what would you expect from the child Pepper Potts and Tony Stark? Nothing less then pure genius am I right? Anyway she came up and slowly crawled up onto the chair. She hugged my neck with her small arms. "Was it bad?" She asked "no not the worst one I've ever had just surprising since I haven't had on in a while". Her big brown eyes stared up at me sympathetically "I'm sorry" she answered in her precious voice hugging me tighter. "You make it better Megoona".

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