Its all my fault

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3rd person POV
Tony came running into the lab with Rora still in his arms. "Hey Tony the results are ready, they're over with Steve on-" Bruce stopped mid sentence noticing the looks of worry on their faces as Tony rushed by Bruce to the med bay. "Hey what happened?" Bruce shouted getting up and jogging after them. Tony set Aurora down with great difficulty onto an exam bed. She hugged her knees and placed her head on them still whispering to herself. Steve came over as well holding the ipad. "What happened?" Bruce demanded grabbing tiny flashlight and walking over to the girl. "She was showing us illusions, which are super realistic by the way, and there was a beach then a huge wave and she just began screaming!" Pietro informed him. "Ok um that could mean lots of things" Bruce said worriedly while trying to shine the light into Rora's eyes. "She hasn't opened her eyes since it happened" Wanda told him "well that would've been something good to tell me earlier". "Tony maybe you should take her to a hospital" "ya good idea Rogers let's take a distraught unpredictable 7 year old child with super powers to the hospital after the reason she's here is because she got kicked out of school" Tony snapped. "Jeez ok it was just suggestion" Steve crossed his arms and looked off to the side. "Ok guys stop arguing I need your help to hold her down. I need to administer a sedative but I can't do that when she's balled up like this". Tony nodded to Steve and they both held down Rora on either side, she was surprisingly stronger then she looked and it was an effort to keep her down until Bruce gave her the sedative. "Alright then I'm gonna run a MRI to make sure there's no problem in her brain and then we'll have Wanda check out her mind......if that's good with you?" Bruce looked to Wanda who gave him a reassuring look indicating she was ok to do it.

Steve POV
I stood outside the MRI room leaning against the wall. Tony paced back and forth in front of me, he looked like he wanted to say something but always changed his mind at the last minute and stayed quiet. Finally I'd had enough of watching his mind race and decided to ask what was going on "what's on your mind Tony?". "Nothing" he replied curtly "Tony I've been watching you pace for the past 5 minutes somethings up" "Fine it bugs me that I don't know what's going on with my daughter, I didn't even get to read the damn test results before this happened!". "I did" I muttered knowing he wouldn't like that "What! Why did you read them?" "I care about her too Tony" he sighed running his hand across his face. "Ok let's have it then what did they show?" "Are you sure you want to hear this?" "Of course I'm sure Rogers now tell me". "Well Bruce found she had ptsd" I paused a moment letting it sink in "it's pretty sever Tony". He just stared at me blankly "is it from shield taking her cause if so Natasha's gonna-" "no not just that although that probably pushed it over the edge. It's from Loki, from being taken from her then after at such a young age, and then him not caring to come get her. There's also things that happened before we found her that we don't even know about that may have contributed.". After telling him I took a moment to make sure he took it ok. His mouth was slightly open and he had an expression on his face that lay somewhere between shocked and horrified. "Tony?" I asked softly he had leaned against the wall for support and now slid down it to be sitting on the floor. His face was in his hands "Tony?" I tried again a little louder this time. He lifted his face and to my surprise there were slight tears in his eyes. "It's all my fault Steve" he croaked shrugging.

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