Gone Girl

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POV Sebastian

I took the elevator back down. I wasn't surprised to find that not only were Jace, Isabelle, Alec, Simon, and Clary gone, but my werewolf, Shadowhunter, and faerie were gone. They must have let them go.

Oh well, I didn't like those guys anyway. Maybe I can capture that Luke fellow. Or one of those other werewolves. What were their names? Mia and Kyle? No, it was Maia and Jordon.

But which one did they care about most? Luke was certainly top on Clary's list, but he might be hard to get to. Jordan, well... nobody really cares about him. How did they even meet him?

So it was settled. He would take Maia.


POV Maia

Jordan had told me several times not to go outside. But, I have a tendency not to listen to anyone, so here I stand, on the roof, overlooking New York. There was the usual noise I had grown up with. All the honking and yelling, police sirens, and just about every other noise you hear in the city.

I heard footsteps behind me and didn't even turn around. It was probably just Jordan, coming to snag her from the roof and take her inside. I took a breathe, and smelled something off. This was not Jordan's stench. It smelled almost like... demon.

My eyes widened with realization, but it was too late. Hands were on me, covering my mouth and pulling a bag over my head. I was dropped to the ground, and could just feel him pulling his foot back.

Darkness consumed me as Sebastian's foot collided with my face.


POV Jordan

I didn't know why I was letting Maia get away with going up on the roof. But I knew a minute alone was all she wanted, so I stood there waiting for her.

"Maia?" I called up. "Come on. It's not safe!"

No answer. I shuffled my feet nervously and looked up. I inhaled sharply, and caught a whiff of the city, but I could not smell Maia's stench, nor could I smell anyone being on the roof. I set myself into panic mode and started climbing the ladder. I climbed over and onto the roof.

Looking around, I saw that I was correct. No Maia. I ran to the edge of the roof, looking below. Nothing.

"Help!" I shouted.

I heard footsteps on the rungs of the ladder and soon Jace and Clary were around me, asking if I was hurt, and why I was on the roof. I just stared off at the city in horror.

Sebastian would not get away with this.


POV Clary

Jordan stared off, mumbling things about Maia being taken, and that Sebastian was a dead man. I released his arm and he slumped into Jace's. I looked over the edge of the building.

"I'm coming for you, you bastard!" Jordan's voice cut through the city noises. "I will kill you for this, Sebastian!"

I turned around and saw that Jordan was struggling in Jace's grip, and he was looking around the roof. I helped Jace lower him into the Institute.

"Jordan. Jordan. Jordan!" I held his shoulders and made him face me. "We will find him, and we will kill him. But we can't just go in there without a plan."

"We have one!" Jordan shouted.

"What I meant to say is that the Clave isn't ready. Not yet. Now go sleep. We need to be ready for tomorrow."


POV Jace

I watched as Clary calmed Jordan down. He looked at her for a long moment and nodded, heading down to his and Maia's room. Clary turned to him and sighed, her shoulders sagging when he was out of view. I pulled her towards me and rubbed her shoulders.

"Don't do that. You're making me feel old, like my mother." I laughed under my breathe, but took my hands off her shoulders and instead wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Sorry." I whispered, and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"Can you sleep with me tonight? I won't feel safe without you beside me." Clary looked up at me as we walked down the hall together.

"Of course." I whispered.


POV Maia

"Wakey, wakey, little werewolf girl..." I could smell the demon even before I opened my eyes. Sebastian was leaning over me, his black, soulless eyes like an abyss, and his grin menacingly evil.

I spit in his face.

He stepped back, and wiped the spit off, disgusted. He scowled at me, but immediately put his mask of emotion back on. He walked across the room.

"Well, I'll be back. I was going to talk to you for a minute, but since you were rude..." he reached for a gear jacket around a chair in the room they were in and put it on. "Got to get your friends that will be joining you. See ya."

Once he was gone I got a better look at the room. The walls were bare, and there were bars on the door and windows. I was chained to the back wall. Only one single lightbulb dangled from the roof, making the lighting strange. It made corners in the room look evil and creepy. I huddled closer to the wall, and tried to push the fear down. What's he going to do to me?

I felt a sudden burst of tiredness flash over her, and somehow fell asleep.



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