chapter 2 (Greenhouse)

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Your POV:

I carry the boxes of guitars carefully up the stairs and try to open the door "locked! Ah shit" I say to myself. I hold the box with one and and on my knee standing one one leg to find the keys and unlock the door. I finally found the right key and swing the door right open almost causing the glass to break from the door "oops" I say to myself.

I walk in and place the guitars on the floor and look around the room. Still had a old oder coming from this place, it probably hasn't been cleaned or anyone walk here since.... Well you know. I walk around the room inspecting it, I love to look at old history but this history was a sad one. I get my finger and scrape it across the  table collecting a lot of dusty and dirty then scraping it off myself. I then had something catch my eye, it seemed to be a red stain on the floor. "So you must be the spot he 'killed' himself" I say out loud. I sit on the floor then laying in the same spot he once was found on the floor. Having a bit of a think I suddenly shoot up looking around the room "I guess I won't get much sleep tonight and sleep during the day tomorrow" I say to myself. I go back inside the house and got a mop and bucket and a broom and vacuum cleaner and some soap stuff to get ready to clean the walls. I then turn on my blue tooth head phones and plugged in my music and pressed play only to have,

"All the small things" By Blink 182 to play

I put it up full blast and put my phone in the back in my pocket and started to clean.

Spirit of Kurt Cobain POV:

I watched her walk in with the boxes of guitars then scapes herself off. She looks around this empty greenhouse looking like she was in deep thought figuring out stuff. She used her finger to wipe the dust of the bench. As she did that I was too sitting on the bench making her finger go straight threw me giving me weird tingle feeling. She then looks around some more then noticing the spot on the floor. I thought she would of walked away but she didn't? She just layed in that spot... I usually call that my bed cause it's somehow the only spot I lay in, I can't fall asleep because the dead don't sleep.... Man I would love to sleep again. She then shoots up then heads out the door. I quickly run to the door to see where she's going. She comes back out with a bunch of cleaning stuff. I would help her if I could but you know...

After getting her gloves on and rolling up her sleeves she puts on some headphones then puts? Uh? I have no idea what the fuck that small block thing was she out in her back pocket was... I am now very curious. I can also hear music blasting from her headphones not sure who is that band but they sound alright I guess.

*time skipped*

Your POV:

I wipped down the benches and vacuumed the floor and gave it a mop. While the floor was drying I sit out on the balcony just seeing over the fence seeing the seat and gifts and letters there. I feel like Kurt would of been appreciated to see how many fans still care about him to this day.

After standing there for a bit I go back in and the floor was nice and clean I did have some wax shining stuff tm for the wall. So I started to shine the wall a bit to make it pop out more.

*time skipped a little bit more*

It was about 2am, the walls had fiy dried a bit so I added a few more details to the greenhouse by adding in some computer stuff, soundproof foam things for the walls and added my guitars to the wall and my record there. The place looked cleaner than ever.

All I had left was the stain on the floor... I didn't want to get rid of history. As I take off the gloves and bend over to put them down on the floor next to the bucket I hear my phone fall out of my pocket "I got it!" I hear I then see someone try catching it and falling straight threw there hands. They look up and I couldn't believe my eyes.

Spirit of Kurt Cobain POV:

I watched as she hung her guitars up... I'm in love with them!

It looked like she was finally finished. As she was taking her gloves off and bending over I was sorta staring at her butt I saw that square thing just fall out of her pocket "I got it!" I yelled forgetting things go straight threw me. My face was in the ground and when I looked back up I saw feet stand in front of me then once I looked up I saw she was looking.... At me?.... Wait wait can she actually see me? When I got up off the ground she was still looking at me "i-eh-" She says then screams then faints "oh shit!" I say rushing to the ground next to her.... She did see me!

H20SkyGirl: omg! Thank u to the 20 views so far who have read my books sorry this was a little shorter and I'm sorry I left u with a cliff hanger.... I had to to make y'all pumped up and hyped for the next chapter! So stay tuned next week!

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