chapter 14 (training day)

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Your Pov:

Dave and Krist came back and was staying over at my place. Krist sleeping in the spare bedroom and Dave on the couch.

Kurt was still catching up with the boys. Dave was showing his photos of his daughters to him, I could tell in Kurt's eyes he wish he was there in Frances life.

I woke up and stretched and got out of bed to smell some bacon and eggs. I go down the stairs to see all the boys sitting there on the kitchen stools and I stood there giggling to myself "what's so funny?" Krist askes "looks like you guys are about to make a new cover album" I say leaning against the wall "haha we have that pose don't we" Kurt says. "Hey! (y/n) why don't u get a photo of us?" Dave says passing his phone to me and I smile and the boys get into a pose but right before I took the photo I realised we couldn't see Kurt "right... Guys Kurt can't be in this photo, he is invisible" I say passing Dave phone back to him. I look at Kurt knowing his frustration.

Krist passes me a plate of food "here you go (y/n) made some breakfast for you" he says and I smile and sit on the stool in the middle of Dave and Kurt and start to eat my breakfast "god miss having Macaroni and cheese with some cookies but no I CAN'T NOW CAN I" Kurt says extremely pissed off "Kurt dude you o-" before I could finish my sentence Kurt just speaks "just... Just leave me alone" getting up and walking out but right before he walks out he turns invisible, "What's up Kurt's ass?" Dave said "I have no idea".

*time Skipped*

I walk up stairs before we should start training for the court day to check on Kurt. I look around for Kurt I couldn't find him anywhere until I heard a faint humming coming from my closet. I walk over and open it slowly " Kurt?" I say as I opened it all the way I see him cramped in the small space with his knees against his chest "hey Kurt" I say sitting on the end of the bed. He looks up at me with sadness in his light blue eyes "I wish I didn't do it" he speaks out "I wish I didn't... You know, kill myself or if I did kill myself I wish I could remember that night" turning his head towards me. I could tell he wanted to just cry but no soul no tears.

I get off the bed and lean in and kneel next to Kurt "I know it's hard and this is all new to you but you can get threw it" I say then getting up and walking towards the door "if you need us we're practicing for the court day" I say then closing the door and walking out.

I walk down stairs to see the two boys talking to someone who is now in my house "uh excuse me?" I questioned now at the bottom of the stairs, the man turns around "Oh hi you must me (y/n) (y/l/n)!" He says taking my hand and shaking it "(y/n) this is Tom Grant he's gonna be our Lawyer" Dave says "Wait... Tom grant.. WAIT I know you! I saw you in the Soaked in Bleach  documentary" I say excitedly. He just laughs "yeah well I thought I would come and help you guys out, after doing all that detective work back in 94 I know a little a bit more about Courtney then you think" he says.

*time skipped*

We all sat around the table with papers everywhere talking about what's gonna happen etc, right now we're going threw test questions

"(Y/n) your on the stand, and the other lawyer asks you '(y/n) do you believe Kurt Cobain is still alive' what do you say" Tom says to me "Objection!" I says out loud "Sustained" dave then say "no the witness can't object" at this point me and Dave are giggling like school girls "objection rules" "side bar" "I'm guilty" "speculation" "hearsay" "bailiff" "briefcase" "forgot" "in my chamber" "stop beaver on the witness" "Parris" "we could totally be lawyer" me and Dave both fist pump.

(If yall didn't understand where that's from we can't be friends 😅)

Tom looks at us confused "it's from a movie sorry just wanna try having fun while doing this" Dave says. Tom sits back on the couch "(y/n), why do you wanna keep this house?" Tom askes me "well this is my home now, and I know if I was to lose this case Courtney would knock this place down" I say "what about Frances which side would she choose?" Before I could answer a voice spoke up "I know she's a daddy's little girl" Kurt says coming down the stairs "holy shit! Is that Kurt Cobain?!" Tom says out loud. Kurt stumbles down the stairs "wait you can see him?!" Krist says "yeah! Almost as clear as day!" Tom says tryna shake his hand but once again goes threw his hand "ghost" Kurt says "you know it's weird it's like you are becoming more and more human everyday" I say, Kurt chuckles at the thought "that's impossible" he says "well it wasn't impossible to see you for the first time it's like now more people can see you even without you going invisible" I say Kurt gives me a slight smile "anyways... So who are you?" Kurt questions tom "Oh I'm Tom Grant, you probably never heard of me but your Wife Courtney Love hired me back in 94 days before you passed, I'm a private detective" Tom says "she hired a detective? That's dumb" Kurt says "oh trust me everything she was saying sounded dumb!" Tom says back.

All of us sat back into the couches to speak about what will be going down next week.

H20SkyGirl: Hi! It's been a minute! I'm so god damn sorry I haven't wrote in 2 weeks, original it was gonna be a week break but I was so busy last week that I didn't hate time to write But here's a chapter! This book will be coming to a end Very Very soon but I hope y'all like this chapter! Anyways I'll write more next chapter goodbye for now!

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