chapter 10 (The Daughter of Cobain)

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Your Pov:

I quickly open the door to let the poor girl in from the pouring rain.

"Frances! How the hell did you manage to get in?" Dave asked "I jumped the fence" we all just sorta laughed "people out there are idiots" Krist says.

I make some Coco up and give it to Frances to keep warm "thank you" she says. It just suddenly came to me "hey where's kurt?" I asked out loud like it was a normal thing but to Frances at the moment... It wasn't "Kurt? Oh yeah that's why I came here" she days putting her drink down "the reason why I came here cause of that video I wanted to know if it was real or not? I know a lot of people probably thought it was fake but for some reason I had this connection that it wasn't" she says I smile back at her "listen I'm sorry about that video that wasn't my idea that was my friends idea, but-" "Yes the video was 100% real!" Krist cutting me off "well... Where is he?" I could tell she was nervous.

At the moment I honestly didn't know where he was until I turned around and saw him laying in his usual spot "excuse me for a moment" I say getting up from the floor and sitting next to him.

The Spirit of Kurt Cobain pov:

I saw (y/n) come over and sit next to me "what do you want?" I asked her "Kurt.... That's your daughter over there why don't you say hi?" I sat up and look (y/n) directly straight in her gorgeous (e/c) eyes. "Yeah I know! But that's why I don't wanna some how appear in front of her! She doesn't even know me or remember me! Not since she was two... She probably thinks of me as a bad dad that left her with someone ungrateful" I say looking down with sadness in my eyes.

Frances pov:

I look over between Dave and Krist shoulder to see what (y/n) was doing she seemed like she was talking to someone "is (y/n) ok?" I saw pointing they both looked behind them and smiled "yeah she's fine, she was telling us how she's the only one who can see your father all the time" krist says "what do you mean by all the time?" I asked "well when we got here we couldn't see him until I got mad at (y/n) making him appear and like protecting her" Dave says. I was a bit surprised, why wouldn't he wanna see me? I'm his daughter.

Your pov:

I tried everything to get Kurt to appear in front of his daughter but I could tell all he felt was regret. But that's when I came up with an idea. I walked back over and sat down next to Frances "wheres my dad?" She questioned and I sighed "listen Frances, your dad loves you, he loves you more than anything else in the world he wanted you to go to collage and do anything you wanted to do all the money he left was just for you you are a strong and talented girl  and he would be so so proud of that he feels bad he wasn't in your life but honestly girl I can relate to you I didn't also grow up with my dad he left when I was about three so I know what your feelings but honestly when I say I know what your feeling I also mean that a lot of his fans miss him and I was just born when he left but I still grew up listening and fallen in love with him and his music but" I whispered into her ear and she smiles and I then walked over to pick up a guitar and started to strum.

Frances started to sing her song to her dad.

"I know you weren't meant to stay in this place
Sometimes I find it hard to look at my own face
Maybe one day I will talk to you
If I'm lucky it won't be too soon"

"They say I'm soft and resemble an
What happens to angels
When they die"

I finished up the strumming and see Kurt walked over krist and Dave looking over at him.

"Dad?" Frances says getting off the floor and looking straight at him. I could see the tears start to form down Frances face and so did Kurt. Frances went running into his arms but forgot he was sorta invisible making herself fall over but just in time for David to catch her "thank you" she says "I should of warned you" Kurt says looking down "wanna try again?" Frances says making Kurt raise his head back up and smile "sure" he says Frances wraps her arms around him they kinda hug it out for a bit until Kurt Spoke up "Holding my baby is the best drug in the world" he says smiling and her smiling back" they then pull apart and looked at each other "so we've got a lot to talk about it guess" he says and she giggles "yeah I guess we do".

(Time passes)

It was around 10pm still pouring outside these nights do attend to think about the night Kurt had killed him when it was pouring rain. Kurt and frances got along me and the boys we're talking it was all a good time until Frances heard a Ding on her phone and her smiled dropped "what's up" Kurt asked "it's mom she's worried on where I am" she says. Kurt's face expression sorta just changed "she still bosses you what to do?" Kurt says "yeah sorta, well after what happened with my ex she's just making sure I'm fine" she says typing away on her phone "your ex?" Kurt asked confused but concerned "don't worry dad he didn't hurt me he.... Sorta stole the only thing I had that was yours" Kurt was shocked and angry "stole! Well did you get it back?!" Kurt asked now very concerned "oh yeah I got it back, don't worry" she says making Kurt relaxed more "shit... Sorry but I forgot to mention mom doesn't know I'm here" Frances says.

Dave and krist finally spoke up "oh fuck yeah, sorry my language" Dave says coving his mouth and we all sorta just laughed "yeah when we went to Courtney's place and asked if Frances wanted to tag along she refused" krist says "why?" I asked "well I honestly don't know maybe she didn't want me to believe some psycho chick made me believe that video was real?" Frances says "sorry I know you ain't psycho, but I told her I was going to a friends house to hang out for a bit" she says "well message her back and say that you stayed for a sleepover, it's pouring outside we can all go inside the house and you could sleep in the living room or spear room, Kurt of course has to stay here sadly" I say "it's fine" Kurt says and we smile "tomorrow gonna be a hectic day" I thought to myself.

H20SkyGirl: hey hey sorry I was a bit late with this chapter haven't had any credit or internet at my house and we had another lock down so I couldn't go out and post a chapter so I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Honestly I don't know how long I will make this book for because I usually finish them around 20 chapters but I honestly dont know... But anyways hope you enjoyed this week's chapter :)

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