Daniel Ash

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really liked the dark-ish imagine I did for peter, so here's one with Dan :)

"C'mon, it's not much longer. Trust me when I say it'll be good." Daniel whispered in your ear, the goosebumps rising on your skin upon feeling his warm breath on your cold skin. You adjusted the blindfold slightly in the hopes of seeing a little more of your surroundings but with no luck, everything was still as dark as it was with the blindfold on your eyes.

You shivered when the wind came around the corner and stopped walking for a bit to enjoy the warmth of Daniel's body close to yours. He stopped too, rubbing his hands on your arms in the hopes of giving you a little more warmth. "You'll warm up soon." He gently pushed you forward with his hand resting on the small of your back and guided you through the woods, the branches cracking beneath your feet with each step you took.

"Are you ready?" He asked, his hands on the blindfold, ready to reveal whatever he had arranged.

You nodded somewhat hesitant, but eager to be ridded of the blindfold. He pulled it off to reveal a tent accompanied by a campfire and a lake that was not too far away. It took a bit for your eyes to adjust to the bright flames and slowly but surely you started to realise he had taken the time to do something for you that you'd been wanting to do for ages: camp. You used to tell him how much you would love to sleep under the stars surrounded by nothing but nature. You loved how pure the night was and how much it brought you peace.

"Dan.." You whispered, lost of words. You walked over to the campfire and sat down by it, instantly feeling a bit more alive when the warmth started to return to your body. Despite it being summer, the nights were very chilly.

"Here." He handed you your desired pack of Marlboro cigarettes and sat down next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.

You eagerly took one of the cigarettes out and pushed his hand away that was holding a lighter.

"Always wanted to do this." You mumbled before holding it out into the flames of the campfire and lighting it. You took a drag from it and handed it over to him when you had inhaled enough nicotine.

"We can take a dive here tomorrow morning." He whispered, placing the cigarette back between your lips and pressing a kiss to your cheek. "They say it's beautiful here in the morning."

"Not as beautiful as it is at night. Can we skip sleeping in the tent and just sleep outside?"

He chuckled. "Of course." He got up and pulled the sleeping bags and a plastic underground from the tent, laying them down on the flattest surface he could find. You both looked up to see if it had a nice view at the stars and you nodded contently. 

You stood up too and casually sat down on the sleeping bag, kicking off your shoes and putting them in the tent before laying down. Daniel lay down next to you, pulling you close to him and kissing you softly. You eagerly kissed back, thanking him for the night.

You looked up at the stars from your spot on the ground, mesmerised by the beauty of the stars while the sound of the campfire filled your ears and you enjoyed the embrace of your lover.

"Good night."

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