Baby!-Andy Rourke

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"How?" You whispered, the hurt finally pouring out now you were on your own and could start realising how unfortunate it was to see two lines appear on the pregnancy test just now. Andy would be starting The Smiths' biggest tour yet in a month and wouldn't be home until the end of December. You were sitting on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor with the pregnancy test abandoned next to you. Your sight was blurred with tears and you leaned against the bath at the lightheaded feeling you were getting from stressing over it too much. It scared you. Both the pregnancy and The Smith's upcoming fame. Of course, you were proud of the lads and the fact that people were admiring their work like you did. But Andy was always gone, either on tour or in the studios working on new material. And now you were pregnant and he probably even couldn't witness the birth of your child. You sobbed loudly and held your head in your hands, wanting to scream and curse at every single thing that crossed your path. You wanted Andy and you wanted him to be a father to your child.

"Y/N, love." Andy's voice filled your ears and you heard the front door close. You had lost track of time and realised it must've been evening by the time he got home while you were still sitting on the bathroom floor. You intently listened to his footsteps on the wooden floor and heard him walk around before realising you weren't there. The always creaking floorboard in the hall right before the stairs squeaked and you held in your breath. He was going to come upstairs and find you eventually and then you had to explain everything and see the disappointment in his eyes. You weren't ready to let him down like that.

"Y/N?" He called again, his voice near. You managed to switch off the lights in the bathroom just in time before he could see it. You heard him walk into your shared bedroom and he sighed when he still hadn't found you, but knew you were home because your coat was hanging on the rack. You tried your best to make as little noise as possible, but a sob slipped out anyway and the bathroom door opened to reveal your boyfriend standing tall above you, looking down at you with a worried expression.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" He whispered, kneeling down beside you to hold you in his arms. You cried out and clawed at the itchy fabric of his jumper. He sussed you by brushing his hand through your hair but it stopped and picked the pregnancy test off the tiles. Your heart was beating fast and it was the only thing you could hear, the loud thumping beat in your ears. Andy pulled back slightly to adjust his glasses to get a better look at the pregnancy test and his eyes then met yours. He looked so worried, just as you had expected.

"I'm so scared." You sobbed, taking the test out of his hands to smash it against the wall angrily. He took hold of your trembling hands and kissed each knuckle delicately, trying to distract you from the bad thoughts in your head.

"Don't be." Andy whispered, pressing the softest, most delicate kiss against your head like you were going to shatter into a million pieces any second. "You're going to be a power mama."
You chuckled slightly at his choice of words and saw the relief appear in his eyes.

"B-but you're gone." You uttered, meeting his green eyes. "I can't do this on my own."

"You don't have to." He replied, taking your shivering body in his arms to hold you against him. "I'll fly home as much as possible and I won't let you give birth on your own. Screw Moz and the whole bloody management, I will be here to support you." He kissed your lips gently and slipped his arms under your legs and back, picking you up from the cold tiles and sitting you down on your bed. He pulled one of his big jumpers out of the closet together with your pyjama trousers and changed you into something comfortable and warm. You brushed your hand through his hair as he pulled on your sock and he looked up, smiling at you. You smiled back and cupped his cheek in your hand.

"Thank you." You whispered with a raw voice. "You're going to be an amazing dad."

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