Flower crown-Johnny Marr

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The warmth of the sun on your face, the soft bed of grass  underneath you and most importantly, the quiet plucks and strums coming from your boyfriend on his guitar. You softly hum along to the familiar tune with closed eyes. You know he's intently looking at you, even though you can't see anything. It was something he always did when your eyes weren't focussed on him. It was his way of admiring you. Not that he was shy, he was modest as a matter of fact. He didn't want to gape at you when you were aware of it, but wanted to adore you in your own moment of peace.
You open one eye when you hear the faint rustle of the grass and the strumming stops. He's laid his guitar down by his feet and starts plucking some random flowers from the grass. When he looks up because he feels your gaze on him, you quickly lie down and close your eye again. You don't want to make it obvious that you're curious for what he's up to. You turn to your side and peek at him through hooded eyes, making it almost invisible for him to realise you're looking at him. The flowers are now attached to each other by their peduncles and he's looking at you as to measure something. You close your eyes again when he scoots near you and you feel him wrap the flowers around your head. You open your eyes and he plants his lips on your forehead. You hold him close to you by his neck and snuggle into the nape of his neck, returning the lovely gesture.

"Very pretty." He murmurs when you sit up and adjust the flower crown on your head. You gently smile at him and take hold of his hand just to show your adoration until your eyes fall onto a pretty yellow dandelion next to you in the grass. You pluck it from the grass delicately and put it behind his ear, holding it in place with his sunglasses.

"Prettier." You reply, pecking his lips softly. He falls back into the grass pulling you along. You fall forward onto his chest and rest your head on his left breast and close your eyes again when the slow thumps of his heart fill your ears. He gently caresses your back as you pull your legs up to your chest and sigh contently. Johnny pulls the crown of flowers from your head and rests his hand on your head after he's lain it down on his guitar so you two won't forget to take it home. You smile even though he can't see it and slowly drift off into a slumber in the safe arms of your one-of-a-kind boyfriend, Johnny Marr.

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